𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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off with their heads

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AFTER ASTRID threatened the two girls at the Grill, they had complained to the Salvatores, so she found herself at the Salvatore Boarding house, rolling her eyes as she had to deal with another set of dumbasses.

"And who are you, exactly?" Stefan Salvatore asked Astrid, as if he was the one with the most power. No matter, she would show him who was really in charge.

"I'm Astrid Mikaelson," she started, making sure he heard the last name she used, and she could tell he did based on the fact that his eyes widened in fear, "And I'm here to get revenge on you for stealing Kol from me."

"Kol? You mean one of your siblings? What about the rest of them?" He wore a confused expression that just morphed into one of horror when she continued.

"Kol is not my sibling, he is my husband. I was about to torture Klaus into giving me Kol but you just had to swoop in and steal him from me. So now, I'm going to make you pay for your discretions." She thrust her hand out in front of him, making Stefan double over in pain. He had never felt power like this before, and he didn't like it. He could feel some emotions like fear and pain slip through, rendering his humanity switch only half useful to him.

"I didn't know!" he groaned out, feeling like he was being burned from the inside out.

"That's too bad," Astrid intensified the pain, making him scream out louder, alerting his brother.

"Stefan?" Damon used his vampire speed to enter the room, and was met with the sight of the witch he saw earlier with Bonnie and Elena hurting his brother.

"Hey! Who the hell do you think you are?" he yelled at her.

"I know I'm someone better and more powerful than the whole Mikaelson clan combined, let alone two baby vampires like yourselves," She waved her hand, and Damon was now in the same position as Stefan; on the ground, bleeding from the intensity of the pain she was making them feel.

When she got bored and felt like they had enough, she made a swiping motion with her hand, causing Damon's heart to fly out of his chest, which was the trigger for Stefan's humanity switch to turn back on.

"Damon!" he cried out, and turned to look at Astrid with tears welling up in his eyes, not wanting to believe that his brother was actually gone.

"Aww, are you sad that I've killed your brother? Do I see emotions in your eyes? You should have thought about the consequences to your actions before you kidnapped Kol. And if you ever make a move against the Mikaelsons ever again I will end you and everyone you've ever met. In fact, I will slaughter the whole Mystic Falls, including your precious Elena, while making you watch, and then, only then, if I'm feeling merciful I'll kill you. If I'm not, I'll make you live out the rest of your immortal life wishing I had killed you along with everyone else, and you'll suffer forever."

She then left the house — leaving Stefan to cry over his dead brother — in happiness, teaching the vampire a very important lesson: you don't fuck with Astrid Martine-Mikaelson and get away with it. Because if she doesn't get to you, Kol Mikaelson will; or they would both work together.

Either way, you wouldn't ever escape your fate if you're tangled up with Astrid because she will make you pay one way or another, and you wouldn't like it either way.


ROLLING HER EYES, Astrid wondered if she could ever catch a break, tired of dealing with all of the bullshit she was being put through ever since she entered Mystic Falls.

"Why did you kill Damon?" Elena whined, though Astrid knew she didn't actually care for the vampire and was just using him like she did with everyone else.

Astrid was sitting at the Grill sipping some coffee with Kol, both of them enjoying their time together and discussing some new spells with Astrid catching him up on some of the new covens that have been established or combined with each other, when the newest doppelgänger came up to them.

"First off, stop your whining — you're an adult, not a toddler. That was your second warning; consider this one your last," Astrid glowered ominously, causing Elena to get nervous though she attempted to mask it. She failed, though, because she was not only in the presence of a very powerful witch but also an Original vampire.

"You can't do anything, we're in public. There are people everywhere." Elena smirked, and Kol scoffed loudly, making both girls turn to him. One in anger and bewilderment, and the other in happiness, a smug look coating her face.

"What?" the doppelgänger asked rudely.

"It's as if you and your little group of friends forget that I'm an Original. I obviously compelled everyone here before, and the compulsion still hasn't worn off. I told them all to mind their own business when they're here and to forget everything when they leave." Kol revealed, as if it was the most obvious thing, which it was.

"Now, let me show you what happens to people who disobey us," Astrid stood up and walked over to the closest human and grabbed their face harshly.

"I know how much other people dying, especially humans, upsets you, so I'm going to kill this girl right here," Astrid squeezed the girl's face and she started to bleed from her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth until she finally dropped dead, Astrid releasing her hold on the bloody girl. She knew it was wrong to kill unprovoked, but after living for centuries and being married to Kol, she stopped caring as much. Either way, Elena needed to be taught a lesson.

"Next time, it'll be one of your friends. Maybe even your other boyfriend, or brother. Whichever one I feel like killing. Ta ta," The witch waved mockingly at the dumbfounded girl, before taking Kol's hand and vanishing, leaving Elena to stand next to the dead body of a random girl helplessly.

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