Where There's Smoke

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As in the sky, Kayla flip backward twice as she close to the ground as four kids caught her and then Kayla soon stood up. Leo soon walk to Kayla to speak and others soon leave to home.

Leo: that was amazing, double flip will amaze Huttsgalor...!

Kayla: I doubt it. I seen you did third time...that will amaze them...

Leo: I know, but I like to support you more...

Kayla: thanks also how long will you be gone?

Leo: couple weeks like after Axel came here....

Kayla: still hate him?

As she smirk

Leo: I don't know what you seen in him but he needs to stop flirting my sister...

Kayla: which one, you seem to have like 10 sisters...

Leo: I only have one!

Kayla: I was kidding...!

As they both soon laugh.

Leo: gotta go also I think you should tell your fire dragon that I don't think it good idea to put the fires up.

As he point at the smoke so did Kayla.

Kayla: I will talk to her...

As Leo nodded and left so did Layla.

Once she got to the cliff and can see a red dragon looking angry as surround by the sheep.

Kayla: hey Aggro....

As she wave at Aggro as she turn and see her. She flew to her and can see Aggro look mad.

Aggro: these dragons kept putting fires out, can't they know that I was protecting sheep?!

Kayla: ok whose dragon?

Aggro: with the twin... there this purple dragon, blue, light blue and green, and two humans who can understand me...then what. A big purple drop himself on me and called me little!

As she shouted angry as Kayla soon cool her down.

Kayla: ok, they are rescue riders. They know putting fires out is right thing because fires aren't good.. it can burn the villages down and others even worse. Sheep...

Aggro: like that happen...

As she sighs.

Kayla: I seen one.. it looked really worse... than I thought.

Aggro; is your sheep ok?

Kayla: she fine, then she died of old age...

Aggro: anyway, I seen they are coming, I gotta hide...

Kayla; no your not...

As she stop her. But Aggro ignore and left as Kayla sighs and went back to Huttsgalor and to the roost waiting for rescue riders till while later they came back with Aggro.

Kayla: hi Aggro....

Leyla: you know her?

Kayla: yea. She came while ago... got stuck and hurt one of her leg. But now it all heal up.

Aggro: yep...( sighs )

As they land there Kayla soon walk to them.

Dak: thank for your help with the sheep Aggro.

Aggro: so this is where you live?

As she see the roost of rescue rider's home.

Winger: we call it the roost.

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