Belly Flop

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Kayla with Leyla and Burple beside Elbone on the boat from the sea.

Kayla: ok, Leyla what we need again?

Leyla: we need to catch Rainbow Pike, Speckle Bluefish, and some super rare Deep Water Cod for Summer's suprise birthday gift.

Kayla: great, we can catch it in no time...

Elbone: on it!

As he went to fishing pole and walk near the sea.

Elbone: wait, you guys are giving her fish for a present?

Leyla: not just fish, I'm making her the best meal ever. It's called Seven Spice Seafood Suprise. Three kinds of fish. Two kinds of seaweed. All rolled up with seven secret spices.

Burple: take my word for it, Elbone. It's an explosion of flavors no living creature can pass up.

Elbone: I don't know what he just said, but I think he wishes it was his birthday.... My hat!

Leyla: I feel kinda of bad tricking Summer. Hopefully this won't take too long.

As then the fish jump to her with her surprise by Kayla.

Leyla: ah, hey!

Kayla: sorry, Elbone just gave me the fish...

As they both smile.

Elbone: got the Rainbow Pike!

Leyla: not bad, Elbone, you sure are a good fisherman.

As she put the fish down.

As then the other fish jump to Burple.

Kayla: oops, missed it...

Leyla: hey!

Kayla: ok, I will stop...

She smile giggling.

Elbone: Speckle Bluefish.

Burple: wow, make that really good!

Leyla: I think this last one is gonna be a real Challenge. The Deep Water Cod is almost impossible to—

As got cut off by Elbone.

Elbone: Bo, one Deep Water Cod as fresh as it can get!

As Leyla and Burple was shock that Elbone got it fast to get three different type of fish.

Elbone: I know. I'm good. It's a curse.

As then they soon hear something from the sea as they look at the sea and see the water sprout coming out of the sea.

Elbone: whoa. Did you see that?

Leyla: must be a whale!

Burple: a whale, I never seen a real whale before

as Kayla and Leyla turn to him.

Burple: or even a fake one.

As they soon look at the sea.

Elbone: you know, I bet a lot of people haven't seen  whales. They might even pay money to watch them up close from my boat!

Kayla: ok, now a minute, I don't think it good idea to get close to whale beside, whales travel everywhere so... I don't think it will be here long enough also I'm not sure how they feel if boat coming to them...

Burple: nobody ever pays money to watch me...

Leyla: Elbone, not another crazy business idea. You're so good at fishing. Also she has a point.

Elbone: this would be like fishing...

Kayla: Elbone the Whale is like hundered inches long also they weight over like thousands of tons of pounds...

Elbone: expect we'd be watching fish, not catching them... and instead of fish, it would be a whale, so, it's not really the same, but it is.

Leyla: good luck with that Elbone, whatever that is. And thanks again, we're off to make some Secen Spice Seafood Surprise, your coming Kayla?

Kayla: I'm going to stay behind. So I will be good.

She nodded and soon leave with Burple.

Elbone: and I'm off to find that whale.

Kayla; hey don't forget to drop me off at island...

Elbone: I will...

as he pulled the iron metal up so the boat can move.

Elbone: hey, my hat!

As it showed his hat on the metal.

As they got to the island, Elbone stayed and looking at the water sprout as it coming towards him as Kayla leave the boat to walk around the island and sit down and take look at the paper as it shows the lyrics.

Kayla's POV

I know rescue riders said it don't have to perfect... they are right it don't need to be perfect... I'm thinking the song that Scar sang to me. And did sang once to twin but that happen when they are at young age. I'm thinking that good idea.. I should let my wait... I want to make that suprise... especially for people of Huttsgalor and rescue riders..

End of POV

Till she soon go back while later and see rescue riders as Dak and Leyla jump down and ran to Kayla to hug.

Kayla: whoa what happen?

Elbone: long story...

As he laugh nervously.

Dak: come on let's get out of here...

As they went to the sky and flew off.

Dak: hey what if we make the cake?

All except Kayla: NO!

Kayla wonder what going on but as they are heading home.

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