Furious Fun

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At the morning Kayla walking to the roost and have them ready for dragon day.

Kayla; you ready?

As she stop and see little mess in the yard.

Kayla; uh, does anyway want to explain?

Winger: Aggro and two Firefuries had fun... we are having them to clean up and head back to Huttsgloar...

Kayla: oh, um ok... we are going to headed right now.

As they nodded and soon to leave.

Aggro: meet you guys later! And I promise we will clean it up fast...

As they nodded and soon leave.

As they soon fly off to the Huttsgloar as Kayla look at roost as she wonder herself and and start thinking about Scar. And soon to hear his voice.

Scar: I have my babies over to other place, I promise I will be back. One of my babies will soon to be your rider.

Kayla: but I'm scare of flying in the sky...

Scar: don't worry, we will make sure that you will be perfectly safe...

As Kayla soon sighs and miss Scar as she soon headed. back to Huttsgloar and see Dak and rescue riders showing Finngard the tricks.

As it been going on for while till they noticed that Aggro been gone for while.

As Finngard turn to twin and Kayla.

Finngard: where Aggro? I don't have anything for Firefures yet.

Leyla: Aggro had work to finish up. She'll be along any minute now. I hope.

As she sound little worried.

Burple: you don't think she likes her new friends better than us do you?

Kayla: Burple don't say that, I'm sure there must be caught her something.

Cutter: Better than me, ha no way!

As they soon walk to Leyla and Dak.

Dak: come on she a Rescue Rider, one of us.

Summer: it's kinda taking her a long time to clean up.

Winger: don't worry I'm sure she's headed down here, now.

As long moments no body came.

Kayla: ok guys, I will be with Finngard for while... we will can meet up an hour later or later on.

As they nodded sighs. As Kayla son. Leave with Finngard.

Finngard: I'm going to be right back, is that ok?

Kayla; sure of course.

As Winger showed up.

Winger: hey you ok, you been quite while we are giving Finngard our tricks.

As she look at Winger.

Kayla: sorry, I have my mom's dragon's voice stuck in my head... when I say that it means I miss him... also I forgot to mention that he had babies dragons and I never met them in my life...but Scar said that one of his babies will be my dragon. Also a rider... but, to be honest, I'm afraid going into sky...

Winger: but you rode with us before and you walk on the roof like last time.

Kayla: true because that when I change when I was so young... since they disappeared when I was 4, I was afraid to be in the sky, till I realized I can't be afraid anymore. So someone helped me get over my fears... and it's a dragon... she a Songstress...she was around teenager years... and Scar is like adults already... also I'm not her rider...she just helped me get over my fears.

Winger: i wonder what happen to her now.

Kayla: well she goes with other songstress in pairs and they are supposed to. And she was just there to get some foods till we met...

Winger: well she sound amazing... what's her name?

Kayla: Siren... also she has a sister who is amazing singer also very rare... cause why. She can hypothesis dragons... it very rare for her to have that...

Winger: wow, should we be worried about that?

Kayla: I ask her same thing, she said her sister will never put anyone hypothesis.

As they nodded.

Winger: well, I hope she is right.

As they laugh little. As Finngard came back, rescue riders started again showing him the tricks and skills they can do.

Finngard: that was so cool!

Dak: Winger only has three power blasts until he has to recharge. So it's important to never miss.

Leyla: so, that wraps it up, I hope you had a fun dragon day.

As Kayla walk to Finngard as he soon sighs sadly.

Finngard: Yeah. I guess so.

Leyla: Sorry Aggro didn't make it.

Dak: yeah, something must have come up.

Finngard: that's okay.

Leyla: She'll come tomorrow. Do you can finish that chapter of your diary.

He soon smile after Leyla patted the book of his.

Finngard: Okay, thanks for everything. I better get home.

As he left same with Rescue Riders. As Kayla and Finngard soon see the fire explosion. She turn worried and see Finngard ran after to find Aggro as Kayla sees him and ran after him.

Once Finngard got to boiling ally, and while Kayla looking for him as she heard Aggro yearling name is Finngard. She ran towards to Boiling Ally and sees fire explosion three times also see Finngard on the bushes as then got off as moments later as the rescue riders just got there and got Aggro and two dragons out of the mud.

Kayla; you guys ok?!

Leyla; yea, got there on time...

Cutter: yea...

Winger: come in guys, let get outta here..

As they agree and Cutter dive under Kayla and pull her up and see Kayla riding on Cutter's back and see two fire furies leaving and saying good bye to Aggro and others. As then they left to The Roost.

Hearing Finngard laughing and got off of Aggro.

Finngard: show me another move!

Aggro: I will show you something cooler...by I mean cooler I mean hotter

As she flew to the big rock and soon fire breath and made picture of Finngard's face as they all looked amaze.

Kayla: now that's is the cool stuff for dragons skills.

As they agree into nodding.

Finngard: Yeah! wow!

Dak: how did you do that?

Aggro: nothing to it that, just like whistling.

As Dak tried one but instead of showing his tong out as they laugh.

Aggro: yeah, now add the fire and you got it.

Burple: hey, let me try.

Kayla; wait no!

As Burple soon to whistling as he spit the rocks to the rock as Aggro mover Finngard away from the spiting rocks.

Burple: ( sighs ) yeah I can't really whistle either.

As they smile.

Kayla: well then, I'm going to drop Finngard off also, have a nice day.

As they nodded and see Kayla leaving with Finngard to his home. As he look at her.

Finngard: when are you going to tell the twin that they are your brother and sister since Leyla's book was actually belonged to you...

Kayla: not now Finngard... they just save you and other dragons beside, I will let them to have fun with dragons.

As Finngard soon smile and giggles. As Kayla smile and walking down to Huttsgloar.

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