🌟Chapter 09 : New To This Feelings🌙

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"Error?" Nightmare called as he sit on the bed. He looked around the room, not finding the glitchy skeleton anywhere in the room. Nightmare was going to get up from the bed but then Error appeared on the other side of the bed as he throw himself onto the bed, groaning. Nightmare looked at him,

"There you are. Where were you?" Nightmare asked. Error's voice was a bit muffled by the pillows, but Nightmare could make out his words, "Ink suddenly came here when I woke up and brought me to Dream's castle," Error turned around, now laying on the bed properly, "Just to freaking ask for an apology, can you believe that?!"

"Oh," Nightmare couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. He gets up from the bed and sighed, "Well at least he apologized. I'll go and get changed." Nightmare said as he walked towards the bathroom. Error looked at Nightmare and before he closes the door, "I'll uh go to my room and get changed, too.." Nightmare nodded at that and closed the door. Error laid there for a few minutes before he stood up from the bed and immediately walked out of the King's bedroom.

Nightmare and Error doesn't share bedroom, they just happened to sleep together because Error was feeling dizzy after Ink hits his head with the wine bottle last night. Error wasn't bothered by the touch when Nightmare hugs him in his sleep. Nightmare is surprisingly clingy in his sleep. Error never knew that Nightmare loves to hug whatever that is on his bed in his sleep. Error woke up in the middle of the night and he was about to go to his room, but because Nightmare is holding him close, he wasn't able to go.

Error won't admit it with words out loud but he does enjoy being held close to Nightmare. For the first time in a while, Error felt safe within someone's arms - Nightmare's arms - and his tentacles, too, of course. Nightmare doesn't seem to be the type of person to let someone sleep with him in his bed, but he did it with Error anyway. Error always liked - loved the king, but he won't admit it out loud. Nightmare doesn't seem to be the type to love someone.

Nightmare sighed as he was just finished changing to his usual clothes. He walked out of the bathroom and immediately walked out of the bedroom. He walked through the hallways in silence then he passed by Error's room. Nightmare stopped his steps and then slowly walking backwards, stopping in front of the door to Error's room. Nightmare stood there for a few while before he knocks and then opened the door without waiting for allowance to come in.

Nightmare's eye looked around the room, Error is nowhere to be found. But, he heard some water noises from the bathroom so he assumed he's taking a bath. Nightmare walked in as he closed the door slowly, then he went to the bed, sitting down on it. Not even a minute later, the bethroom door was opened as Error walked out of the bathroom. Nightmare looked at him. Error doesn't wear anything but a towel around his waist, he didn't notice Nightmare yet. Nightmare didn't say anything as he just watched Error.

Error walked to the wardrobe and opened it, taking out his usual clothes. Error wear up his red turtle-neck sweater, then taking off the towel around his waist. He put on the rest of his clothes afterwards. Error took the towel on the floor, then he hissed softly, his other hand moved to his head. It's still a bit hurt after being hit by that wine bottle.

"Are you still feeling dizzy, Error?" Nightmare finally asked. Error jolted in surprise as he turned around, seeing Nightmare sitting on the edge of the bed with arms and legs crossed. Error's face lit up yellow at the fact that Nightmare had seen him naked just a few minutes ago.

Error stuttered, "I- wha- W-when are you here?! H-how come I didn't hear you come in?!"

Nightmare chuckles at his reaction, "not long before you come out of the bathroom."

Error groaned as he walked to hang the towel on the wall. He looked at Nightmare and walked to him, sitting on the bed next to Nightmare. "Look, I know you're a king and all but you could at least knock."

"I did." Nightmare's reply made Error sigh heavily, "Well, what do you want?"

Nightmare stared at Error for a few seconds before he moved his hand to Error's hand. Error didn't flinch with the touch as he just let him. Nightmare was the only one who could touch Error without him rebooting or angry. Nightmare and Error stare at each other for a moment, then Nightmare leaned and his head laid on Error's lap. Error felt his cheeks heat up, yellow magic is visible on his cheeks. Nightmare hummed, relaxed.

Nightmare wants to be spoiled? Error thoughts. Ever since Error took him out to the café that day, Nightmare's been.. a little bit clingy and always want to be spoiled by Error. Not that Error doesn't like it, he totally loves seeing Nightmare like that. Error got the message when Nightmare moved Error's hand to his head, so Error starting to caress Nightmare's head gently. Error never knew that Nightmare can be like this, despite him looking so intimidating and scary, but when Nightmare shows him his soft side, it made Error fallen for him even more. Nightmare closed his socket, his breathing slow as he enjoyed being pet by Error's hand.

Physical affection, Nightmare craved for that. He won't admit it out loud, but he felt warm, safe and secure staying close to Error. Nightmare isn't sure, but perhaps, he is fallen for Error. It was new, he had never felt this way for someone and yet he does love Error. Nightmare wants to be with Error, want him to hug him when they're sleeping, want to have Error's arms wrapped around his neck as they kiss for the first time and-

Nightmare opened his socket, cheeks lights up cyan color as he realized what he just thought. Error also new to this kind of feelings, both are new to this kind of feeling. They won't say it out loud, but they will continue like this. Error having Nightmare on his lap as he pets his head gently and Nightmare fell of to sleep. Error looked at Nightmare as he slowly leaned in and gave Nightmare a peck on his cheek. Nightmare's pupil moved to see Error as his cyan magic gathered on his cheeks spreads more. Error, realizing what he had done, covers his mouth as he looked away from Nightmare's gaze. Such positive feelings that would hurt Nightmare but he doesn't mind it.

"Should we um.. go and eat breakfast?" Error looked at Nightmare, "you know how Horror is if any of us missed breakfast or didn't eat at all." Error added.

As much as Nightmare doesn't want this moment to disappear, Error has a point, he knew Horror would be angry if any of them didn't eat. Nightmare stayed still for a minute before he sit on the bed and then standing up. Nightmare gave Error his hand, it took a moment for Error to take his hand and stood up. Error's cheeks lights up yellow as Nightmare gave his palm a peck. Then, Nightmare walked out of this bedroom, hand-in-hand with Error.

When they arrived at the dinning room, everyone's eyes immediately at their hands, they stayed silent about the fact that their Boss have found his love, but the still smiling and smirking at the two. Nightmare and Error ignored them of course as they just eat. They didn't break the contact of their hands holding each other as they eat their breakfast.

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