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Author pov :
Jimin stirred slowly the cold metal that he had his face rested on harsh against his skin. His eyes fluttered open only to realise he had fallen asleep siting by the windowsill few hours ago.

Legs folded close to his chest and back resting on the wall behind, his body was numb to the bone. He moved around slowly picking the woolen sheet he had used to cover himself now tangled between his torso and legs.

The events that happened last night flashed in his mind distorted but enough to help him understand how he had ended up at the place.

After coming back from the cafe he had had just enough time to unpack, make a few calls, and plan his next day. By the evening jimin brought himself some dinner but then had forgotten all about it as he had settled down by the window thinking, or rather procastinating, drowning himself in the endless train of thoughts, an activity he loved doing by now.

Having lost track of time he had dozed off a few hours ago, dragging himself up to his room at the moment.

He checked his phone, three in the morning, a time he spent working most of the time in the past. He dropped the blanket on the bed getting a pair of tracks and a hoodie to change himself into. He mindlessly grabbed his phone and a note pad, and walked out of the house.

The streets were dark but the streetlights shown the path mild enough for people to walk by. Looking up, the sky was a dark shade of purple merging into soft hues of pink and orange towards the horizon, as the early sunrays glistened elegantly. The city lights and tall sky scrapers had lines of lights glimmering in contrast to the soft colours of the sky above. Down the lane, fire flies buzzed around with the dim yellow lights, one of them getting electrified because they had gone too close.

Jimin resumed walking, exhaling a sigh thinking about the irony of what he had just witnessed.

He mentally took down the names and numbers of the lanes, so as to not get lost. After a few minutes, he crossed by the cafe shop from earlier, and turned around the corner, slow-jogging.

The sun was slowly making its appearance the rays getting stronger and the brightness setting in. Jimin reached the common park, after an hour of jogging, he walked to the grassy grounds settling down by a tree, inhaling the cold morning air.

(Over the phone conversation)

He just sat down with a notepad in hand...

Stay close but unnoticed, see to that u don't get caught, he is
smarter that u think.


Jimin pov :

An hour down at the park, doodling, and writing down my thoughts, or rather scribbling them down in a hope to understand later, what I'd written , I check my watch and then look around to find people slowly filing into the park for their daily jog or walk.

I scoot, lowering my hoodie down to my line of sight walking out of the park in no time.

Over at the apartment, I start packing my files and documents, after a refreshing bath, that had to be submitted at the university to meet the head by noon. All the paperwork had been done by dad's staffs and I had no idea of all the nonsense they might have filled it with, I didn't have the interest to check them once before submitting in too.

Getting everything packed and putting on a comfortable oversized tee and a pair of jet black pants, I walk down to the kitchen, only to realise I had never done any grocery shopping.

My stomach rumbled in hunger, all I could do was ignore and walk out with a sigh.

An hour had gone since I reached the building and waiting for my turn to meet some old hag took longer than I expected, and by then I had noticed way too much of the olden corridors than I was supposed to, the floors lay clean, untouched walls of white, the door to the dean's office stood a few steps ahead with four waiting seats filled beside me. A man in his forties possibly a professor, another guy waiting for admissions and a guy about twenty or less, with dark chocolate brown hair, dressed in black carrying a black bag that looked evidently empty. I had caught myself eyeing the young one more number of times than you could possibly call normal.

With all these thoughts closing in on my mind, I had failed to noticed the assistant calling out my name. A nudge from the guy beside brought me back to my senses as I collected myself and entered the office room.

The strong scent of sanitizer hit my senses and the view inside a calming atmosphere of cool blue panels. The dean sat at the end his prominent features almost faking his real age, Legs crossed and mind focused on the current document he was signing,

"excuse me, sir." I don't recognise my own vocals for a second, as a low hoarse voice left my throat.

"come in."

The man looked up to meet my eyes, a low smile creasing his aged features.

"morning Mr-"

He definitely didn't have a sense of time.

"it's park jimin, sir."

"ah yes, Mr. Park what brings you here?" I bow and take a seat motioning to hand him The documents I had been carrying for the past three hours.

"to finalise my admission here, sir."

"ah yes, let me have a look." I let out a sigh wishing he wouldn't come up with any further procedures or problems that I should get my hands on. Why couldn't I just be a drug dealer or something and stalk this guy. Why join a university and get stuck here for the next three years of my not so beautiful life.

"it says you are getting in by recommendation?" I give him a confused look before realising what that meant.

"seems you are the leading business personnel, Mr. Park's son...and thus you need to join the university? Mid term?" his eyebrows dangerously clash together questioningly.

Why did I not know it was mid term. And why am I being recommended. The old man thinks anything can be done because he is some big shot business man.

"I'll follow the procedures and yeah I had to join mid term because of some personal issues, sorry for the inconveniences."

"An entrance test, the fees and confirmation documents, that's all you need to do."

I take my files back bowing. Next I head to the right office to get required papers for the entrance exam and head out of the confusingly huge building. Next stop the grocery store, I had no intension of starving myself for the night.

And so here it is, as Far as I remember this update was faster than the others, ig-

*scratches head* I have no idea what I'm doing bruhhh

Hope u guys like this one and sorry I'm in a hurry and haven't edited anything anywhere so bear with me

Once the story is completed I promise I'll edit and beautify every chapter

For now
Pai pai!!

Parallel Lives (pjm ff) | unedited |Where stories live. Discover now