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Author's POV

Jimin laid on his bed, going through his Instagram. Taehyung was out with Hoseok. They said they had a date - well, everyone knows what kind of date that was. Yet, Jimin was happy for his best friend, that at least he was getting something proper unlike himself. 

He scrolled through his Instagram, and he didn't know when he found himself in Jungkook's page. He found the handsome football team captain doing a live stream , where he was working out- punching in the punching bags, doing push-ups, sit-ups, barpees , and that too with his upper half naked. Jimin found himself salivating at Jungkook's hard, buttered, chiseled abs, as sweat trippled off them . Jimin ran his hands up and down his body , and sides, and moaned out as his fingers circled his clothed rim. He was sensitive. 

Jungkook looked at the camera and smirked- almost , as if, he knew what Jimin was doing on the other side of the phone. Jimin arched his back at the feeling of new arousal in his body , and didn't know when he had double tapped on the live- he had liked it . 

" Shit ! NO." Jimin cursed, springing up from his lying position on the bed, and throwing his phone away . " Fuck ! Fuck! Fuck! I fucking hate it !" He groaned , cupping his face in his hands . "Why is life so fucking unfair !"


"1, 2,3,4... and .. 5 , 6, 7, 8." Jimin counted, as the whole squad practiced their cheerleading . SeokJin watched from the sidelines, admiring how well Jimin led the squad , and also how disciplined and good the squad was. They listened to Jimin, and followed his instructions word by word. He smiled. But he was still cross at the captain . Jimin had apolozised , yes. But SeokJin pretended like he didn't hear him , and moved on from him like he didn't even exist. 

Jimin was doing jump stretches, when his eyes met Jungkook's who was just entering the field . They gazed at each other, with Jungkook still walking and Jimin doing a jump now. Jungkook winked out of nowhere, and Jimin moved his eyes away , blushing , stepping at the left side instead of right, and colliding with Taehyung who was beside him. " Oh shucks ! What's wrong Jimin ? You alright ?" Taehyung asked, as the whole squad stopped. Jimin nodded. " Yes. AGAIN SQUAD! 5,6,7,8."Jimin said, catching Jungkook smile and shake his head. He unconsciously smiled too. 

" Uh ohh ? I see....interaction huhh ?" Taehyung whispered, teasing his best friend, who blushed, holding the pompom stick firmly , as his palms were sweaty now. " Shut up, alien."


" I know you were watching me do the live , baby." Jimin flinched, at the sudden low voice in his ear, and it didn't take him a second to recognize who that was . 

"Jungkook." He said, turning around . Jungkook looked at him , eyes racking up and down his body . " The one and only." He said, with a smug expression on and Jimin sighed . " What do you want now , Jungkook ?" Jimin tried to make himself sound like he was uninterested , but it was just the opposite of that. 

The locker room was empty then. 

Jungkook smirked , and leaned forward, placing both his hands on either side of Jimin, caging the boy . "You." He whispered, and Jimin could feel the hair at the back of his neck stand up in salute. He bit his lip, trying to suppress the smile, and pushed Jungkook away . "No." He said, and tried walking away , but Jungkook back hugged him , wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist tightly from behind. " Seriously , Jimin ? I know you are playing hard to get. Come on , don't tell me.. you don't feel what I feel too." Jungkook spoke, his breathe fanning over Jimin's neck and lips hovering over the milky neck. Shivers ran down Jimin's spine , as he threw his head back on Jungkook's shoulder. " W-What d-do you f-feel .. J-Jungkookie.." Jimin asked, his voice breathe , and airy . 

" Really ? Wanna know what I feel baby ?" Jungkook asked, feeling Jimin nod his head. 

" Well..." Jungkook said, before walking the both of them to a table, and bending Jimin down on it. Jimin supported himself by his elbows , and Jungkook stood right behind Jimin, his left hand holding Jimin's shoulder , firmly pinning the boy down. And his right hand lifting up Jimin's skirt, and massaging his plump , bubble butt. 

" Ah..." Jimin softly moaned, as Jungkook's big, rough hand massaged his ass cheek. 

" I wanna do this... everytime I see your ass. " Jungkook whispered, and Jimin almost let out a mewl at that . " Then.." Jungkook trailed off , before raising his hand , and spanking Jimin's ass, causing the asscheek to jiggle , and turn red . " Ow.. ah.." Jimin closed his eyes, arching his back. " I wanna do this everytime... I see you." Jungkook whispered, bending over Jimin's back, and gripping his tiny waist with both hands and beginning to grind his dick against Jimin's ass. " I wanna... ravish you fully , mark your whole body up, and.... " Jungkook started kissing Jimin's neck, his grinding pace increasing. Jimin's eyes rolled at the back of his head , as a moan rolled out of his tounge . " Ah.. J-Jungkook-ah..." Jungkook smirked .

He stopped whatever he was doing , and stood up straight, pulling Jimin up as well . He turned the boy around , and picked him up, sitting him down on the table . He spread Jimin's legs , and got in between the meaty thighs , standing in between them . " I...I wanna show the .. world that... you are mine." He said , cupping Jimin's face , looking into those hazel brown eyes. 

" Ko-Kookie ?" Jimin softly called out , and Jungkook took his time appreciating Jimin's red cheeks . " Yes, baby ?"

" W-Will i-it be... right to...say that... I-I love you ?" He said , and Jungkook would lie if he said he wasn't taken aback. But, soon , a smile spread on his lips . " Took you long enough, Baby." He said, as Jimin looked down , fiddling with his fingers . " D-Do... you love m-me too ?" He asked , and Jungkook cooed , nodding . " I do , baby, and that is why I didn't give up on you that one night. I....I wanted more, baby. I wanted to date you , but I was really.. like really hurt when I knew you did not do relationships." Jungkook said , and Jimin looked up at him to see sadness evident on his face . 

"Even I thought I was all about fuck and bye, until I met you . I didn't know what I was feeling for you . You were someone I fucked once , but I don't know why I felt something more. I am sorry , Kookie." Jimin said, and Jungkook smiled, and pecked his lips. " Its okay baby. Its alright." He said, and Jimin smiled . " I.. I promise to stop fucking around now, Jungkook." He said, and Jungkook nodded. " Yes, Thank you, baby. Now that we are boyfriends, ofcourse I won't let anyone near you, let alone touch you. You are mine . Just mine ." He said, and Jimin smiled shyly . " We are boyfriends now ?"

" Ofcourse we are . And I'll do something really big real soon to make sure everyone knows it." Jungkook said, and Jimin looked at him . " What are you going to do, Jungkookie ?" He asked, but Jungkook shrugged. " You'll see." 


" Hm... but baby, I am having a slight problem down there." He said, pointing downwards, and Jimin laughed . " So ? What will I do ?"He said, and Jungkook chuckled .

 " On your knees , baby."

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄Where stories live. Discover now