I walked along the narrow pathway into the park where you could hear the children laughing and the leaves quietly rustling in the wind. You could hear the birds tweeting and the businessmen chatting, the runner's running and the commoner's walking. You could hear the cars busying about the streets with car horns and bells sounding alarmed. I sighed looking at my surroundings; last week my dorm advisor had told me that I would need to switch dorms because they had made a mistake and had put me in the wrong dorm room with the wrong roomate so now I was walking thirty minutes instead of taking the subway; I hated the subway, it was like the devil of Chicago... so dirty and nasty, I wouldn't have been able to stand the stench and although it was probably worse in New York, I hated the smell of it so I had decided to walk. It was a friday afternoon and it was about twenty degrees outside. I sat down and sighed, looking at the young boy laying down on the same bench I was sitting on.
" Could you move your foot please? people want to sit down here...." I said, hoping that he would listen to me and move his foot but the response I got wasn't the one I was hoping for.
" There's other benches moron...." the boy huffed, looking coldly at me. His eyes were blood shot and he looked like he hadn't eaten in days. His black hair fell just above his eyes and his skin looked soft to touch however, he looked tired and hungry and for some reason the guilt hit me square in the chest. Here I was complaining about taking the subway and this poor boy didn't even have a home to go to. I felt selfish and guilty that I had complained about having to walk an extra thirty minutes just because someone made a mistake and although I felt bad for the boy, I surely wanted to sit comfortably on the public bench that half of his small body was taking up. He wasn't very tall but looked it, he looked to be 5'7 but what did I know, he was laying down....
" Please move your foot darling..." I asked politely, yet again getting a death stare from blackish-brown pools of sorrow. I smiled at him; he huffed at me and went back to cuddling himself inside the over sized jacket he was currently bundled up in.
" Move your foot you asshole!" I screamed, getting stares from everyone who had heard me. I blushed as I felt everyone's eyes fall back to me and the small boy. I looked up and smiled at the people who looked back at me with weird stares and stares of disbelief. I sighed and looked at the boy, examining him closer. His face was gorgeously structured, cheek bones narrow and cheeks thin and smooth. His nose was small and round, placed perfectly in line with the corners of his large lips, mind you, they weren't huge but they were a nice size for a boy. I quickly brushed off the thoughts popping up in my head and examined him more. His eyes were shut tight and his ears were covered up by the hood he had pulled up over his head to keep the cold out of his delicate ears. His body rose and fell with each and every cold breath. I got up and started walking back to my dorm room; sad and feeling helpless. I couldn't help but think that I was letting that poor boy down by leaving him there to fend for himself. He looked young, maybe sixteen or seventeen.
I sighed and laid back onto my bed staring at the cieling, I don't really know why I felt bad for leaving him there all I knew was I did and it sucked more than imaginable. When I was his age I was the same way, always getting into trouble and pissing off my parents, thankfully I grew out of the stage and started focusing on my school work. My father and mother thought that going to film school would make me a failure and I'm pretty sure they still do, not that I honestly care. When I'm filming, I feel like theres no body around to judge and everything is just peaceful and quiet.
" How was class?" Eric said as he walked into the room and threw his keys on his desk as he smiled at me.
" Interesting...." I said, laughing and sitting up on my bed looking at the older boy and sighing once again.
" haha isn't it always?" He laughed, sitting down at his desk and taking out his books as he started to do his work. I smiled and started to laugh,still not being able to shake off the feeling of guilt that was currently coursing through my body.
" I saw this kid today...."
" Really? What does that have to do with class?"
" It doesn't have anything to do with class....I just feel so guilty for leaving him there..."
" Leaving him where? "
" at the park..."
" Why though, he's only a random person...."
" yeah I know but he looked so....lonely"
" Well it's not like you could have done something right? "
" I guess not....but I still feel like a jerk....." I said, getting up and walking past the boy and into the bathroom. My mind kept returning to the small boy curled up into a small ball and trying to sleep on a park bench. Tears welled up in my eyes and unknown to me, I was crying. I looked into the mirror and felt like I was useless and could do nothing to save him even though I felt the need too. The tears fell down my cheeks like rain drops on the rooftops of the small houses of little families. There was something in my stomach telling me if I didn't save this kid he would be killed before his next birthday. I walked back out of the bathroom, grabbed my jacket and my keys before walking out the door and locking it behind me. I needed to do something and fast.
Novela Juvenil" It was five years ago when I first saw him; he was sitting on a park bench in the middle of the afternoon. The perfect image of imperfection." My name is Stephen King; and I'm addicted.