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"What are you planning to do about the werewolves?" Jimin ran a hand through his hair

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"What are you planning to do about the werewolves?" Jimin ran a hand through his hair. "They haven't yet realised you're here yet by the way, we would know if they knew."

Jungkook rubbed my hand softly, looking at my fingers with a little too much interest. "Jungkook they're talking to you." I mimbled, shaking my hand a bit and telling him to look up.

"The kid is too scared to tell you the truth." Yoongi deadpanned as he sipped his coffee. "She's not weak you know. You've seen her powers and capabilities yourself."

Jungkook frowned, glaring at Yoongi before cursing at him. "Shut it Grandpa, I'll send you to the ruined kingdom if you say another word."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and this resulted in Jungkook earning a hit from me. "What?" He mumbled, frowning at me and I raised my eyebrows.

"Wait, how is Jungkook so sure of her capabilities?" Namjoon asked the group, obviously confused at the new found information.

He'd been away for the past day, going out with Chan to negotiate allies and strategise with the the coven.  He had obviously missed out on me and Jungkook, uh, mating.

"Jungkook had sex with her." Jimin wiggled his eyebrows and I turned red.

"Jimin!" I let out and he just shrugged.

"What? We are all adults here and we knew this was going to happen sooner or later." He added and I shook my head.

"That doesnt mean I want you all to talk about it so casually." I mumbled, as Jungkook chuckled at my little pout and kissed my forehead.

"So." Namjoon raised his eyebrows and turned to us. "Jungkook had sex with you and you aren't feeling anything wrong?" He questioned, scrutinizing me.

I shook my head.

"Other than being sore enough to be unable to walk straight." Jungkook added with a sly wink and I hit his chest again, he caught my hand effortlessly and placed a kiss on it, holding it down in his once more.

Yoongi groaned. "I liked it better when they hated each other and jumped on each other earlier." He spat, making a disgusted face.

Taehyung patted his back. "I think they did jump each other last night hyung." Jimin laughed, joining Taehyung in a fist bump and I rolled my eyes.

Where did the cruel, cold hearted vampires from last year go?

"Okay okay, enough of such jokes. We need to come up with a plan for the werewolves, we can't keep Néra here forever. Her powers will drain out unless she's in contact with the werewolves." Jin adjusted his glasses, which seemed like a new addition to face and pointed at Jungkook.


Jungkook pointed at himself. "Me?"

Jin nodded. "Yes you, tell her what we have decided upon."

Jungkook groaned. "No why are you all doing this? I never agreed to this. I am against it."

I stared at them, confused. What could they have possibly decided that was so terrifying for Jungkook to speak about? Was it something horrific? Murderous?

"They want you to go back and infiltrate the werewolves. Live with them, like before, but this time we'll tell you what to do." Jungkook sighed, not meeting my eyes and I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god." I breathed out and Jungkook's head snapped to mine.

"What do you mean Thank god? Baby, this is scary stuff. You shouldn't be happy doing this!" He placed his hands on my shoulders, me softly and I shook my head.

"Jungkook its okay! I have done this before. Besides, Chan will be there with me. I will be fine." I removed his hands and held them close. "And now that we've mated, our connection is stronger than ever and I need to fight to exercise and fully gain control of my powers. Only Chan and going ahead with this will help me do that." I explain and he sighs.

He looked into my eyes, concern and pleading waves of emotions washed through them "I can arrange practices for you here at the coven! I can get the best trainers for you and-"

I kissed him, stopping him from speaking any further and I heard Jimin hooting in the background. "I know you are worried about me. But Jungkook, I need werewolf presence to stay alive right? I need to do this. Please, let me fight them. Let me find my story and end it myself." I broke apart, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Jungkook she'll make a better coven leader than you." Taehyung chuckled and Jungkook finally cracked a smile.

"Alright, but I will make sure that she is always safe. All the instructions I give are to be followed to a T and whatever conditions I make of Chan and You all idiots are to be followed. Is that understood." Jungkook stood up, turning to the vampires.

He had gone into his leader mode and the authority in him made me blush. I bit my cheeks to stop myself from saying something inappropriate but I hadn't realised that Jungkook could catch onto my loud thoughts.

Bedroom. Now.

I gulped and almost choked on air as Jungkook stared at the vampires, giving them orders like he didn't just say that to me in my thoughts.

I did not move, listening to coven throw ideas back and forth and I could see Jungkook getting annoyed at the fact that I wasn't moving. A sneaky idea passed through my head and I sent a thought back.

But I want you to carry me there.

"We have Enhypen helping us from the west side-" Jin was speaking but Jungkook cut him off.

"That's enough for now. We are sending Néra back tomorrow right? We will talk later in the day." Jungkook abruptly got up, walking towards me and I swallowed.

A smirk passed his pink lips, the dangerous glint his eyes set me off as he picked me up with a single arm, carrying me out of the room.

I saw Taehyung wink at me before we turned and within seconds Jungkook had slammed the door shut.

"Think you can pull off something like that and not have me go crazy?" He rose an eyebrow as he let me down on the bed, leaning down to my eye level.

I pouted. "I just wanted you to carry me here." I mumbled and he chuckled.

"Such a little cutie." His finger came up to my cheek, grazing it softly before running it over my lips.

I leaned forward, knowing where this was going and kissed him.

He leaned forward, pushing me back on the bed as his tongue attacked mine. My back hit the back of the bed and he stopped kissing for a quick second to take a look at me.

"I adore you." He whispered, cradling my cheeks as he laid soft kisses on my face.

I giggled, kissing him back and his smile made my heart flutter. His hands moved to my waist as he pulled us together and settled me between his legs. "Can I-" He asked and instead of answering, I pushed my lips against his once more and he groaned, grinding his hips against me.

I felt my stomach bubble with apprehension as he unlaced my gown and a knock on the door made him curse loudly and he pulled apart.

"Stop with your little fucking, we need to discuss the plan." Yoongi yelled from outside and Jungkook laughed. "I swear I will kill that Grandpa." He joked, earning a chuckled from me.

I joined in, laughing as I pecked him one more time before adjusting my clothes and walked out with my hand in his.


Black Blood |JJK| 2022 rewrite Where stories live. Discover now