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"I saw your eyes shining in the dark, and I found my source of light"

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"I saw your eyes shining in the dark, and I found my source of light"


"Dr Kim?" I spluttered as the glass slipped from my fingers and fell to the ground.

"I prefer Jin." He smiled, placing the glass back on the table.

I widened my eyes in shock as I stared at the glass while my jaw hung open. I heard a chuckle from the man beside me.

"How-wh-what?What and where?and Why?" I rambled on and he sighed, smiling slightly.

"You have a lot to know and learn Nera.." He handed me a book that somehow magically appeared in his hands. "This is for the time being, rest up, eat well and I will meet you in around 3 hours?" He smiled sweetly and I swooned at his perfection.

Wait..he was my gynaecologist a day ago. How can I just trust him? and what if he poisons me and does...

"I know what you're thinking and I want to know that you shouldn't worry. It is true that I lied to you about being your gynaecologist but I do have doctors skills so don't worry. I did not harm you. I only lied to help you be safe."

"What are you going on about?" I whispered as I took a step back from him. "I don't understand.."

"Of course you don't understand it, you are in a vampires mansion. Being kept by vampires and have just discovered that your doc is a vamp. Who in their right mind would be in their right mind after this situation?"

I blinked, though I didn't want to believe his perfect than Edward Cullen face, I did feel compelled to do so. He would've already done anything wrong if he wanted to in the past night. As for Jungkook, I didn't really know what to do.

"Human bodies are slow and weak. I don't mean to say this to offend you. It is in your best interest that you eat, rest and reinvigorate yourself so that you can meet others and come to know more of this situation."

Others? There were others in this mess?

"Others?" I questioned as I felt my sleepy body slouching off as he began walking to the door." What do you mean others? Has Jungkook captured more girls like me?"

"Others as in other vampires, in short Jungkook's friends and brothers. Rest up now, you've got a long day ahead, its barely 7 am." He smiled and held the doorknob, twisting it open.

My sleepy head nodded along to his answer and I hit the bed, too sleepy suddenly to ask anything or think about anything.

"He would never even look at another girl now that you're here Nera"

I was fast asleep when he whispered his last sentence and turned the door close.


"Miss?" A soft knock on the door woke me up and I stifled a yawn, rubbing my sleepy eyes and getting up.

Black Blood |JJK| 2022 rewrite Where stories live. Discover now