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i entered in the living room, looking for the men out there to look after you. "i don't see anyone here chan?" i turned to my trusted partner who smiled, pointing to one of the rooms.

"we thought it would be better for you to rest up first, you're pretty broken after the fight. and god knows how horribly you were keeping up at the brothen. my group will meet you tomorrow morning." he led me to the the room, opening the door to reveal a very neat and decent looking room. "it's not what you're used to but it's a safe house and this is temporary, you'll be relocating to our manor once things die down a bit."

"it's perfect chan, i love it. thank you." i smiled at him, meaning every word.

i was exhausted, he was right. i needed to rest and sleep and get my thoughts in order before i took any further steps. plus the fight at the brothen had pretty much wounded every one present. "you should get cleaned up and we'll disinfect and look at the cuts. i'll send one of my members to look for yours. go ahead, clothes have been placed for you."

i thanked him once more. "you're so good to me chan. thank you, i really mean it."

he smiled that dimpled smile you'd grown to love. "it's nothing, it's a part of my job nèra."

"i'll see you later?" i asked him and he nodded. promising to drop by later to talk.

when i had first met jungkook, i had never expected myself to cry over being separated from jungkook, on the contrary i had always expected myself to be happy, feeling free. maybe this was the bond they talked about. i grabbed the bar of soap, running it across my body in an attempt to clean myself of the grime and dirt. it smelled of lavender and orange, the same familiar scent that most of the coven products had.

i felt tears well up as i smelt it and quickly brushed them away. i had to keep myself strong for jungkook, he didn't teach me to be weak. i was his counterpart, the leader by his side and had to be strong for us.

the flurry of memories that rushed through my mind were too quick to register and before i could stop myself, the tears were flowing down my cheeks and i was crouched down on the bathroom floor, arms around myself as i shook lightly and cried. i cried my heart out about this situation that we were in just because i refused to trust him when it was needed the most.

once my thoughts had calmed down, i wiped my tears. getting up and finished my shower. i ignored the redness in my eyes and cheeks.

i walked out the bathroom feeling a little more in control, having shed my emotions out through tears helped me sense my own self a little better. i stumbled towards the bed, setting myself down on it shakily.

my hands smoothed down the wonderful dress chan had placed in the wardrobe, one of the many wonderful ones. the fabric seemed too comfortable, too familiar for it to just be fabric.

"are you done néra?" chan asked, his voice muffled for he stood on the other side of the door. "can i come in? i've got another person with me, his name is han and he'll take a look at your cuts." he informed and i smiled, lucky to have him by my side.

"you can come in chan" i replied back and watched him enter soon with a man around his age, who looked like a vampire and that shocked me for he smelled like a werewolf.

"hey there! my names han jisung and you get to call me han or jisung, whatever you like." he hummed chirpily and his energy was already something i was in love with. he was almost like a little woodland critter with a firm built body and amazing hair, though i doubted he was to be trusted around medical equipment.

"nice to meet you han" i smiled back at him as he began to set his things up.

"i'll just take a quick look and disinfect them yeah?" he smiled and finsihed his work in minutes. he handed me a few pills and told me when and how to take them.

"i'll check up on you later, all yours for now chan." he winked cutely at me and i chuckled, waving a bye at him as he walked out the door.

"you're right, he's a part wereowlf and a vampire." chan said as he walked to me, settlign down on the bed beside me. "just like you."

i rose my brows and turned to him. "like me? there are more?" i asked in surprise and chan chuckled.

"yup, though we only know a handful of those for now, 5 to be exact, including you." he hummed. "four of them are in my clan, the strays. and as our name puts it, we've been shunned by the society, thankfully lord taehyung took us in. you remember all those times he was sent to the 'rebel' kingdom as punishments? yeah that was our kingdom. instead of burning us down for damage control like others, he took us under his wing and risked his own rep to make us stronger. hence why we now help his coven." he said, finishing his story with a smile. "how about some dinner now huh? that was some heavy info for today." he chuckled. "do you like chinese?"

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