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__tw: cheating mentions but not between the characters of jungkook and nèra —

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tw: cheating mentions but not between the characters of jungkook and nèra

Jimin entered the room. "Jin wants us to go back tomorrow." He sighed loudly. "I really don't know what's going on!"

I jumped slightly at the little outburst. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm over the cycle."

He looked at me. "Okay." He smiled uncertainly. "Wait, how is that supposed to make me feel better?"

I shrugged. "Well I got nothing."

"Why does Jin want us back again tomorrow? I mean I know I would've had to go back once my cycle ended but why would he call us even if I did not complete it?" I asked him.

He tapped his fingers on his thigh. "Something about you and kook mating and all."

I would've expected myself to protest, or not like the idea but then I didn't feel that way.

Shit, I'll have to play longer with this.

"You okay? You seem pretty.." He gave me scrutinizing look. "Normal."

I pushed my hair back. "Well afterall what me and Jungkook have done so far-" I stopped and realised my mistake.

Oh no.

I almost slipped and laid out my plan.

Jimin frowned and I recovered quickly.

"I meant that we'd talked about some things before but-" I put a hand to my stomach.

"Sorry, After cycle cramps." I got up and rushed to the washroom.

I could clearly see that Jimin was not having any of my bullshit.


"Spill." He said as he put a bowl of cold noodles in front of me on the counter.

I tied my hair up, relaxing in the pair of sweats I was wearing.

"Did Jungkook make you keep blonde hair?" He asked as he saw me doing so.

I shook my head. "No. Why though?"

Jimin turned to pour some wine. "Have you noticed how all the females you've come across have blonde hair? Atleast at Jungkook's manor? That's cause he loves women in blonde hair."

I dug into the amazing noodles. "That's a whole load of shit. What if she's not blonde?"

Jimin turned and placed the glass near me, pouring one for himself. "He makes them color it."

I widened my eyes as I sipped the white wine, the contents guzzling down my throat and washing over the aching spiciness of the noodles.

"I'm a brunette naturally." I claim and Jimin nods, sitting down.

"I know. It's why I asked." He started eating his own share.

"So spill." He said once again and I cursed.

I'd really hoped that we'd deviated far away from his topic.

I smiled softly.

"Why can Jungkook speak to me in my mind but I can't?"

"You might be able to once you both mate. I'm not sure about it..but you might. And now you tell me-" Jimin began going back to his own topic.

"Tell me about Sierra first and then I'll tell you. Take it or leave it." I stared at him and he sighed.

"Fine!" He shrugged.

"I discovered Sierra as my mate but I didn't know of her true actions. She was playing as your doctor to find out more about you and your blood. What makes you so special. She was blood sister to Junhyung or Yeosang as you call him." He paused and sipped his wine.

He eats a bite before continuing.

"I fell for her, naturally. Everyone was going great. I found my mate, found Jungkook's mate and was near you both all the time. I couldn't figure Junhyung out during that time, I always had my suspicions about h after the drunk incident at the time of the party."

When I looked confused he elaborated. "When I went all Walt Disney? I did go crazy for around an hour but I sobered up pretty soon. I pretended to be drunk the rest of the night so I could stay near you. The blue drink I'd had? Junhyung had spiked it."

Jimin paused. "I started to get suspicious about Sierra just before  that time. I'd figured that she'd cheated on me just weeks before."

I nodded. Trying to keep up as I sipped my wine. "Who'd she cheat on you with?" I asked him.

"Taehyung." He deadpanned.

I spat out white wine all over Jimin's face.


a/n - short and unedited but i made the most of the little time i had in between.




please take care of yourselves and others and stay safe.

i purple you


more: i'll try harder to update if we reach 100k ;)

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