Chapter 15: Desperate Souls

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In the forest, two young children were playing hide and seek and the young boy looked at the sky to see where the sun was then he noticed knights heading towards their village and he looked at the young girl who was hiding behind a rock, "Come on, Priscilla. We have to go, papa will be worried," The young boy said.

Young Priscilla, with light brown hair, stuck her head out behind a rock and he smiled at her, "How did you know I was here?" Young Priscilla asked

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Young Priscilla, with light brown hair, stuck her head out behind a rock and he smiled at her, "How did you know I was here?" Young Priscilla asked.

"Your dress gives you away. Come on," The young boy said and he started running away.

"Okay, Baelfire," Young Priscilla said and chased after him.

A human Rumpelstiltskin was spinning straw in a crude-looking house when there was a knock at the door and a messenger walked in, "Rumpelstiltskin, a letter from the front lines," The messenger said and walked over to him handing him the piece of ...

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A human Rumpelstiltskin was spinning straw in a crude-looking house when there was a knock at the door and a messenger walked in, "Rumpelstiltskin, a letter from the front lines," The messenger said and walked over to him handing him the piece of paper.

Rumpelstiltskin opened the letter and read it as the messenger left the cottage, his eyes widened, "What have you done Joseph?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

Baelfire and Young Priscilla frantically rushed inside, "Papa! Papa! They've come for Morraine," Baelfire said.

Rumpelstiltskin, Young Priscilla and Baelfire go outside, they watched from a distance as several knights dragged Morraine away from her screaming parents, "No!" The Mother said.

"No! Please! Please!" The Father said.

"No! No, don't take her! No! No, you can't take her! She's my baby! Don't take my baby!" The mother said.

"Nonsense. She's a fine, strong girl. She'll make a fine soldier," Hordor said.

 She'll make a fine soldier," Hordor said

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