The new beginning

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edited :26/2/22

New year's eve.

Time - 11:50 p.m

A guy was lying in his bed watching T.V, anime to be more precise.

"Man, Sasuke should have won... He had all the tailed beast's power whereas Naruto only had one half of Kurama." The man shouted to no one in particular while drinking his beer and eating chips.

"Oh, never thought I would see this day but you humans surprise me." A figure came out of the dark, the only source of light in the room was the television, and that too wasn't very bright.

"Hey, What the hell Man, You are wearing shoes inside my apartment, You know the old lady would be pissed if she finds out, by the way, who the hell are you and how did you come inside ?" The guys who the apartment belonged to asked

"Oh, forgive me, I seem to forget what you mortals do and don't and as per your worries about the old lady being angry. You don't need to worry, she isn't going to survive the night." the guy extended his hand to shake " Names, God, the creator of this universe and many others." God said

"Ahm, What are you on? And if you are God then tell me something about myself that only I know."

"Your Name is Levi, your father was a fan of Marvel comics so he named you that. You are 21, you were doing engineering, Cyber security to be precise. You had to leave your college after being caught hacking into N.A.S.A, it was a bet against your friend and you watched some show on Amazon prime which made you think hacking into N.A.S.A was easy therefore convincing you to place that bet. Your professor, Vision, stopped you after he caught you. You were lucky he caught you before you were detected. After that, all your friends came to know about that and the teacher, Vision, feared what he taught you since you could you that in illegal activity. Since the only teacher which was good at teaching in the university didn't teach you anymore you left the university, lost touch with your friend and became an unemployed, uneducated person who lives with his mother and calls her an old lady. You were going to shoot yourself tonight and die by committing suicide, the reason was you had no friends and the teacher called you yesterday telling you that you aren't allowed to apply to any other colleges because he won't be there to check on you and threatened to call the cops if you did join any college, after hearing that you decided that your life doesn't have any meaning... therefore the gun.." God said

"Holy FUCK, you are God... and you are in front of me. FUCK," Levi rushed out of his bed and bowed sweating, "Please, sir forgive my incompetence. Please, don't kill my mother.." Levi said.

"A clever one, aren't ya? You knew that seeing your brain on the wall your mother won't be able to survive that, or you predicted that I wasn't here to guide you to hell instead I was here to guide your mother to heaven.. pretty clever, I am bored these days as a source of entertainment... Yeah, that is a good idea. Listen here you mortal, I won't take your mother to heaven but if I do that I would need something from you.." God said

Levi gulped and replied, " Whatever it is I am ready save my mother's life, I will do anything you want.."

"Ok then, you are going to be a Mikaelson. The second eldest child of Ester and Mikael. Finn, I am going to.." God saw the confused looked on Levi's face

"It's a T.V show, Since you are so nice, give a little bit of knowledge of what happens in the show.." God said and tapped Levi, forehead, Levi fell numb.


*Gasp* "What the Fuck ?" Levi looked around and saw that he was incredibly weak, with a miserable pain in his chest. The next thing he knew the pain in his chest was gone but he still felt weak.

Reincarnated - Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now