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After giving the lawyers a duffel bag full of money. Around a million dollars and left Kathrine to explain certain things... Finn left.

He had thought about the memories, memories of the original owner of the body. How it had a role in his personality, the guiltless death threats and the ruthless nature. He had more of the original Finn in him than his old self Levi. Could the situation be interpreted in a way that Levi didn't possess the body, instead Finn gained Levi's experience and memories?

Levi, if he was him, right now was going to a warehouse, Arora had called him and told him about a supplier who was willing to provide him with raw iron in which he could easily bury Lucien and dump him in the middle of the ocean lost to the world hopefully.


Warehouse, empty without any machinery

Finn walked inside the warehouse. He smelled blood and a very familiar smell. Before he could figure it out he heard someone shout.

" Oh, dear brother. Why do you become a pain in my life? Why can't you just remain daggered like a good brother?" Klaus shouted sarcastically.

"You? Did you kill the humans?.. they were of use to me." Finn said calmly.

"Oh, did he upset you, Finn?... You should have remained daggered. Even by some miracle when you woke up from your slumber you decided to cause trouble instead of hiding like the coward you are..." Rebekha mocked him, for their last encounter had hurt her. How her brother told her that he would kill her.

Finn knew that these remarks weren't meant for him. They were for the old Finn. The one who died, right? Yet he felt as if these were directed towards him... as if she was calling him a coward... Mocking him... He didn't know if he was the original Finn with Levi's memories or if he was Levi in Finn's body. Right now though he didn't care cause he felt like her sister had just mocked his entire life, his pride, his honour... Calling him a coward? When she helped Klaus keep him daggered? Calling him a coward when she didn't have the guts to tell Klaus what she wanted? Calling him a coward when she was the one who lured their father to New Orleans.

Finn, despite his intellect, let go of his logic and leapt at Rebekah... Only to be stopped by a steel rod aimed at his jaw, the originator of the attack was not known to him at the moment, so he stopped his steps and raised his right hand to guard, which he soon realised was a mistake, the steel rod was like a spear... So sharp it made his hand look like paper in front of fire... As his hand was getting pierced, Finn removed his head out of the path of the spear and with his hand, severed his other hand from the forearm.

The spear impaled the wall all the way through with the severed hand still impaled by it. Smoke started coming from Finn's right hand, what was left of it at least... And he saw Kol, the ex-witch brother of his, he looked at him angered by the betrayal... He grew a new arm, and the only sign that he suffered any injury was his jacket being ripped with the arm.

" Kol? " Finn's emotion got the best of him. Anyone could tell by his voice that he was hurt.

' How dare he... He dares to stand against me, his elder brother, this family needs discipline... Enough of this nonsense. I will end this quickly." Finn thought to himself.

He began his massacre of the Mikaelson siblings. First, he speeds towards the steel spear and takes it out of the wall.

Klaus rushed at him. Punched him in the solar plex. Only for him to remain unfazed. He swung the spear with all his might, it connected with Klaus's head... A crack was heard, jaw broken perhaps? Using the spear as support after, he gave his bastard brother a triple kick, one to his knees breaking it, the other to his liver, and the last one to his head resulting in Klaus flying to the other side.

Next came Kol, he began throwing punches. Kol showed exceptional skills, while Klaus relied on his supernatural strength. Kol was much more controlled. His boxing skills were enough to put even Mike Tyson to shame. Getting hit by 2 of his punches was enough to break the ribs, though it healed instantly. 

Finn was put on defence and before he knew someone grabbed his waist, he looked to see Klaus. Before he could do anything about it. He was smashed to the ground, on the asphalt... With such force...

" It's been so long since I had to resort to techniques in battle. " Klaus said with a grin.

"Channel your core strength, from your legs.." Finn said, as he got up he sped towards Klaus. Landing the punches like Kol, at least trying to.

This was interrupted very quickly as Kol threw another spear, like in the beginning of the fight. This time, before he could escape it Rebekha threw a bottle of alcohol on him.

Finn quickly tilted his body and grabbed the spear. He crouched and with full force impaled Klaus with it. Klaus screamed and kicked Finn on his chest to gain some distance.

Klaus took the spear out. And rushed at Finn. As Finn was about to grab Klaus's throat. Rebekha shot him, with a shotgun. On his back. He was hit with it point blank. He side-kicked Rebekha to gain some distance.

Klaus impaled him with the spear. " For someone, who was dead for so long, you fight well," Klaus said smirking. He thought he had all the things indicated that way. Finn was hit with the wooden shells of a shotgun right in his chest. He must have taken a piece or two to his heart as well.

" Fuck you," Finn said. He punched Klaus at his femur breaking it. Took the spear out of his body, tearing his entire shoulder. Then punched Klaus, though it was only a jab cause he was not standing up but crouching to the ground like his brother. He grabbed his collar and then pulled him in to hit him with his elbow he repeated it. Till Klaus's nose and jaw were broken. He heard the sound of the shotgun loading. He picked up the spear from the ground and used it to divert its path from his head to Klaus. He swung the spear and hit Rebekha at her throat with the side of the spear.

Before he could do anything else he was bombarded with Kol and his spears. He had no way of closing the distance so he was running around in the factory. Kol was quite talented for he was able to get very close to his head. In this exchange, Finn had managed to collect 2 spears. With his left hand, he rotated a spear creating a somewhat shield though he was hit in his shoulder regardless. He proceeded to impale Kol with the spear in his right hand.

" I KILLED SAGE. " Klaus shouted at the top of his lungs. Finn turned slowly towards him.

'What is this feeling? This rage? Was I always capable of hearing my heartbeat like this?'.

Finn was feeling hurt, and angry at his brother, just how low could this man go?

' Why am I feeling sad? I didn't know her. I am Levi, not Finn... Why this rage.. '.

Finn's eyes glowed red, he was smoking all the wounds he received were now healed. He pulled his shirt ripping it apart. He was standing there in the warehouse with 2 of his siblings temporarily dead and one who killed his former lover, the upper half naked showing his muscles.

' I need to hold back, I might kill him if I use that strength....' this was the only thought in his mind. Before he began smashing Klaus's head with his fists. He was on top of him beating his brother like his father though his beating was much more severe.

Even in his anger, he had the control to not punch through his head. He wanted him to feel the pain of his skull crack and heal... This continued till someone threw him off of Klaus. All his siblings are alive with, Tristan and his group of 1000 vampires.

" What a monster, doing that to your,  own, sibling?" Tristan said looking at Klaus who was now healed... And puking blood.

" Thank you, Aurora," Klaus said.

' Even she betrayed me? '. Finn thought to himself.

" Klaus, see it with your own eyes... I fucked Aurora. I took her like no one ever has... And now I will kill her." Finn said. And rushed at Aurora. Grabbing her shoulder. " I will rip her apart. " He then did what he said. He tore like paper. Her body lying naked on the ground. Tears streaming from her eyes. Her organs were out in the open, her boobs for everyone to see.

Tristan felt numb, and something in his throat. He did not know what it was, and with tearing eyes looked at her dead sister he shouted with all his might " KILL HIM!!!"



Reincarnated - Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now