Lucien Castle vs Finn Mikaelson

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In a car

After leaving the forest with a daggered Lucien and temporarily dead Aurora, Finn hi-jacket a car after killing the driver. Aurora woke up suddenly, Finn was too weak at this point to fight her so he tried to compel her before she broke his neck.

a few minutes later When Finn became conscious again 

Finn was in the back seat of the car, Lucien was in the passenger seat with the dagger in his hand and Aurora was driving the car.

Finn's neck had healed but he was too weak to move, the only thing he could do for the time being at least was to listen in on their conversation.

"Lucien, will you tell me what happened and why did you beg me to steal that dark object from my brother ?" Aurora asked again

"I will tell you everything but before that, we need to trap Finn in a box with the help of the dark object otherwise if he turns before he is sealed that would be... disastrous to say the least ..." Lucien said to Aurora

"Have you lost your mind? What are you talking about and how come you are not dead-"

before Aurora could continue talking Lucien compelled her to shut up and do only what he tells her to, taking away her free will without a second thought.

Finn felt the poison reach his heart and life slipping away from him. Not long after that, he was back. Lucien did not notice that he was in the middle of a transition. Arora was still driving the car.

Finn bit her in her neck burying his fangs deep while also releasing venom in her neck.

"You bastard...!" Lucien said grabbed Finn by his hair then threw him out of the car. He bit his forearm till some blood came out of it. Then feed Aurora his blood.

"Thank you, Lucien, I am really grateful for your help in making me the alpha of this supernatural wild hunt. I will repay it by daggering you. " Finn mocked him. He rushed at him then punched him in the face with enough force to send him flying to the other side of the road

"You are not stronger than me,  We are equals now but I have the advantage you see, I have this dagger which you so dearly created. " Lucien said. He rushed at Finn aiming for his face.

Finn blocked the attack and then did a leg sweep. He grabbed Lucien's face and kneed him so hard that his nose broke. Lucien recoiled a few steps back, not like before.

" Yeah, with the difference that my father was a Viking obsessed with power. Think about how many fighting styles I know. Judging from the right hook you too picked up something in the millennium you have lived. Let's see who will win. Me, Finn Mikaelson, eldest son of Michael, talented in dark arts and fighting techniques. Or you a wanna be original " Finn said the last part with mockery filled in his voice and rushed at Lucien, whose face was healed, punched him in his abdomen, kicked his head.

"You know how to fight, My turn..." Lucien said. He landed an axe kick on Finn, Jabbed his throat and plunged the dagger in his heart.

"I win, you original piece of shit piece of shit.."Lucien shouted and then Finn's body fell to the ground with the golden dagger in his heart. Lucien turned towards Arora and was about to go next to her before he felt something grab his heart.

"Getting a lot cocky aren't we," Finn said, he was holding Lucien's heart with his left hand and the dagger in his right

"Sweet dreams, cocky old asshole " He plunged the dagger in Lucien's heart while he struggled to fight against him.

"Brother, So nice to see you. Go to sleep now " Finn heard someone say this. He recognised this voice. It was Klaus, he knew what was coming next so he quickly turned around just in time to stop Klaus from daggering him.

Reincarnated - Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now