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Aroura had contacted Finn informing him about the progress of his task. Finn was excited, for the future. 

Finn thought about the rules he told to Kathrine and realised it was childish of him to think he could implement it.

So he called Kathrine later and asked her to not spread the rules instead create a cult who would worship him and be ready to fight for him also supply him with money. The cult should have humans who could then be placed as puppets in big place so that he can enjoy without the any hindrance.

Kathrine agreed to the said conditions. She also informed Finn that a group of very old vampires were coming to mystic falls. Tristan and his group was coming which made Finn excited. He would make sure to slaughter them cause Aurora was able to arrange a dark object without Tristan's strong enough to trap him for a very long time. He was no fool and wanted all his actual threats to be done with so he can enjoy and toy with mystic falls and the Gilbert's.


Salvatore house

Noonish. After Elena n elijah's meeting.

Ding! Finn rung the bell. Caroline opened the door she was traumatised by last night's event before she could close the door Finn said " I am sorry for last night Miss. It wasn't my intention to hurt the friends of those who helped me. For that I sincerely apologise."

To which Caroline replied in a sarcastic and hurtfull tone " So, you are only sorry because I am friends with Stefan."

Finn said " U misunderstand me miss. I am sorry because it was not very polite of me to attack you and your friend whom I almost burned to death. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I plan to stay in mystic falls for a long time and I do need friends after all. How can one call a place his home if he doesn't have any friends?"

" Sorry, but this apology was not good enough and if you didn't know I am very busy my friend and I have some important work." Caroline said little annoyed.

" Very, well how can I help you with your so called work after all I did hurt you. You can use my strength." Finn said. Considering the option of this mysterious person who appeared in mystic falls recently Caroline at first hesitant but then remember the were dealing with the so called first vampire and she did need all the help for her to protect her friend so she invited Finn inside.


Inside Salvatore Mansion living area

Finn was standing next to a wall, Elena, Damon, Stefan, Rose, Caroline were present there.

" Blondie, Who told you to invite new people in the house?" Damon said annoyed after seeing Finn.

Before Caroline could ans, Finn said " I don't require invitations. Mr.Salvatore but I would appreciate it if u were kinder with your words while talking to my new friend. You may have saved my life once but that doesn't mean that you will disrespect my friend." Caroline felt a little sensation she could not name the feeling as it was only to be felt. This was the first time anyone had stood up for her. For her not because they wanted anything. Caroline now had forgiven Finn for how he acted in the grill but she would never tell him.

Finn had felt his humanity coming back to him after last night. He felt bad about what he did to the bartender and then Caroline. He didn't have any memory of her or Matt but he only found Caroline fascinating how she had not hesitate for a second before helping her friend. He wondered how many good people like Caroline had he slaughtered in his path those would caused him no harm, those who were waiting for people to come back home after the party. Those who were just there because they had nothing better. He thought about the couple he meet first, how he had brutally slaughtered them just because he had the power to did his own suffering of the coffin made him punish the innocent. He thought about how he would feel if his mother had died like that, if his friends who were just going out to party or ordering food were suddenly killed by a vampire. He was feeling a lot of things most of all was home sick. He could not tell anyone who he really was, he too was not sure anymore.

Reincarnated - Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now