new york

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It has been a week since Finn was in mystic falls. He has started a new friendship with Caroline and they were getting closer. Matt had started to live with him. He found out from Caroline that Elena had made a deal with Elijah. Fortunately Elijah had not seen him and things were going smoothly, he remembered that due to the original bodies lack of leadership Elijah had to step up to the role of elder brother and keep everyone in check for the 100 years they were together before Finn was left daggered for 900 years.

Finn did not hold any hatered against Elijah or any of his siblings other than Klaus and that to not to much. Arora had contacted him saying Tristan was coming to mystic falls. It would create too much trouble if he saw Elena so he decided to change the location and told Elena to bring him to New york. He had some work there and with the Vampires he hoped he would get some help to.

He had bought a house in Matt's name. Currently he was in his room on his laptop arranging the funds needed. Kathrine was a better lacky then he could have hoped for, under such little time she had been able to control a rich neighbourhood and arranged a couple of millions for him in funds. He had also compelled 3-5 cops at high post and was focusing on growing the cult currently the cult had 15 members. Some were business owner, some were lawyers.

As Finn was pondering in his thoughts a knock on the door made him Snape out of it. It was Matt.

Finn looked at him, then Matt said a little confused " Hey Finn, someone's at the door and they are saying they know you.... He said his name is Elijah."

Finn nodded and confirmed to Matt that he could invite him inside.

Matt did what he was told and invited Elijah Inside the house. Elijah rushed to the room Finn was in, he wanted to confirm with his own eyes that Niklaus had not forgone his humanity and thrown his siblings in the sea lost the world. His eyes were teary. He had not felt this emotion for over a century, this was happiness, but what was he so happy about? Was it that Niklaus was still redeemable? Or was it because he was seeing his elder brother after almost a 1,000 year

"Elijah, what can I help u with?" Finn asked in a calm and soothing tone. Matt had left the room to let the brother deal with there situation.

Elijah was a little shocked from what he knew of Finn this was not like him. He would have wanted revenge for the time he lost. He would have shouted at him thrown him to the wall not let him be peacefull specially since he wasn't the one who removed the dagger from his heart. There was something fishy about him.

"You see me after so long and this is all you can say?" Elijah masked his suprise pretty well so well that even the knew Finn who had some of the memories of the plot could not detect Elijah's suspicions.

"Well, what did you expect me to do? Hold a grand party that my younger brother who had kept me daggered for nine hundred years finally decides to meet me?" Finn replied sarcastically. He was still on his laptop not bothering to look at Elijah cause for him all his siblings were good for nothing forget avenging him they could not even bother to grieve him when he did in the show.

Elijah enquired figetingly " How are you free? I don't assume Niklaus suddenly had the change of heart and let you out."

Finn answered while facing Elijah " That is none of your business, on the other hand since you are here in mystic falls you can stay here with me the house is bought. If you have any friends they can take the spare bedroom there a lot of rooms. I will be going out of town for a little while try not to die and if you so happen to get daggered whenever you are un daggered call me first before doing anything stupid. I have been absent for a very long time now it is time for me to take charge of this family. First comes the profe of strength." Finn shoved Elijah to a wall, then shoved his hands inside his chest and said " when you wake up I will be gone make sure to take care of my friends while I am gone. If u a thousand year old vampire fail to do so I will dagger u for a thousand years too." He then ripped out his heart.

Finn looked at Matt and said " When he wakes up tell him you and Caroline are to be protected. I am leaving town for a few days"

After saying that he left town.


New york, in a cafe.

Finn was sitting on a table waiting for Kathrine. He was there to handle a little situation, there was a lawyer named Mike Ross who had been pretending to be a lawyer without any degree it was a secret between 3 people the lawyer who hired him, Harvey specter, his assistant and him.

He planed to get him out of the trouble Kathrine had already arranged the degree with his name. All he had to do was make a slave out of smart lawyers. This was going to be hard.

He got out fed up of waiting for and so he went inside he building to see the duo.


Meeting room inside pearson hardman.

He had been waiting for 3 mins before Mike Ross came with Harvey specter.

Harvey with his iconic arrogant tone said " You know I don't usually just see random people who call on me. But Donna insisted so first of all who are you? And What exactly gave you the authority to come here and demand a meeting with me?"

Finn smiled and looked at Mike and then at Harvey " For a criminal you sure have some big balls. Mike Ross never went to harward and yet you hired him which could get you into trouble to. I am not interested in causing you any trouble but I can get rid of this trouble for you. My associate will be arriving with a real degree with your name. And before you start thinking this is for free, it is absolutely not from today onwards you both will work for me. You will do what I tell you to do you will always act and do what's best for me and abide by my instructions and not insert your own morals into the game. " Finn used compulsion on them.

" that is if you value your life, no one would suspect you even if they do your degree is really authentic so there is no worries even if they do check you. If you have any trouble you can contact me at this phone no. Now first order of business is you need to get me a iron ore pure. 1 Ton, and also by me the machinary necessary to melt it and cool it down. I will give you the money, after that you will buy a ship, working which can handle storms once you have it down you will call me. If anything goes wrong you guys will contact me not hide it from me. Then I will decide whether to let you live or die, try not to screw up."

Mike was a little shocked, he had this urge from inside to obey what Finn said but yet he could not help not believe him. He who didn't have any degree was suddenly getting one from harward and if he were to believe this guys it was authentic too. Who was he? Was he really just helping him so he could use him and Harvey for his own benifits. What would be the price he have to pay for such a huge thing.

" You expect me to believe that?" Mike asked a little agitated by the events.

Harvey intervened before Mike could say something wrong " He means to say who are you and why should we do anything for you?"

Finn smiled and replied" Well, because you guys are lawyer"

Kathrine came in the room with 2 bundle of paper, handed one to Finn and the other to Mike. Then stood next to Finn.

" Thats my underling Kathrine, Learn the script Mike and never deviate from it. You will never be questioned about your degree ever again." Finn said.

Mike who had this huge secret which was holding his life by a thread felt it lose it's power. For some weird reason he trusted Finn's words and believed him.

Harvey was too shocked to react. The girl he was seeing right now in the office was his client who he had recently acquired. She was filthy rich, Now he was only wondering who Finn was and how much power did he have to arrange the degree. Had it been not for the compulsion he would have definitely questioned it.

" Gentle men " Finn nodd to Kathrine who then passed a duffel bag to Mike " by me a ship now. This it all, I will be taking my leave now."


Chapter end.

A little cross over from suits will most likely be adding more series to make it interesting

Reincarnated - Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now