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Over the next week, Clay taught his classes at the gallery some mornings, worked on commissions during the day, watched movies with Kenny in the evenings, and they made love at night. He ignored calls from Tessa, from his mother, from Herkimer. When the fur accumulated in the bed, Clay would dig the vacuum out of the closet and suck it up and forget about it. Neither of them talked about it.

Neither one knew or noticed that Herkimer was hanging around in an unmarked car either. He stationed himself outside the apartment, across the street, tailing Clay to his therapy appointment, tailing the both of them to the grocery store, back home. He wasn't sure what he would find, but he was suspicious enough to hang around and wait.

"This week's been good," Clay said, lying back against the sofa in the small room where he met Chelsea for therapy. Her purple hair was tousled and wet. She had gotten a late start.

Sitting across from him that morning, Clay thought she looked like she needed to talk more than he did.

"I mean... shockingly good," Clay added.

Chelsea nodded, her lips coming together in a pursed smile, "What's going on?"

"I feel good about life. About me. About Kenny. And I've made a decision. Like an actual decision. That I'm going to stick to."

"What's that?"

"I'm not letting anyone keep me from being happy. Including myself. Even if it means doing things that make me afraid."

"That's a good goal to have."

Clay smiled. Chelsea waited for him to say more, but there was nothing more.

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