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Clay and Kenny curled up together on the sofa and watched an old film noir—Clay's suggestion. The greasy remnants of a near-devoured pizza lie in the box on the table before them.

"I love that you'll watch old movies with me."

Clay gave him a peck on the lips.

"This is my favorite part."

"What?" Kenny asked, "Coming up?"

"No, not the movie. This. Us. Just everything being calm and it's just us."

Kenny squeezed his arm.

"I always thought I was just depressed and anxious like every other millennial. Everyone in college always talked about how debilitating their social anxiety like it was just what it meant to be twenty. My mom thought I was overreacting. I didn't realize I was sick... Even when I was deep in psychosis... I was psychotic, as far as I knew, what I was seeing and feeling was real... and it was terrifying... but I didn't feel as bad as I did after the hospital. Because then it was real. And I had to let go of the idea that I was just temporarily broken and that someday something would happen that made me feel not scared and... safe. But I feel safe with you."

"Good," Kenny said, "You can always feel safe with me."

The door buzzer ripped right through the tender mood. Kenny kissed Clay's cheek, untangled from his legs, and got up to answer from the console.

He pressed a button: "Yeah?"

Pressed another: "It's Tessa! Let me up!"

Kenny looked to Clay for permission. With a sigh, he nodded. Kenny pushed the DOOR button and let her up.

Tessa breezed upstairs in under a minute flat and, as usual, was a whirlwind of energy. Clay stood some distance off while Kenny let her in.

"Hi, Kenny," she offered, but she floated off into the room in search of her friend before he could respond, "Hi, Tessa."

"God!" she said, seeing Clay, "Where've you been? Your mom won't stop bothering me. She's worried about you."

"Maybe you guys should get a hobby."

"Okay, seriously? What's your problem lately?"

"My problem?"

"Yeah, you're not acting like yourself."


"I'm just worried about you."

"Don't be. I'm doing great."

"Are you?" Tessa asked. She was becoming snide.

"Yes," Clay said firmly.

Kenny twitched with nerves in the corner of the room. It was hard for Clay to read what he was feeling, but it was clear he was uncomfortable and it was beginning to agitate Clay.

"I've been busy," said Clay, "That's it."

"It's just when you get distant, I worry."

"Why don't you call my mom and talk to her about it?"

"Stop it! Your mom and I just care about you."

"You can care without treating him like a child."

Tessa, stunned at Kenny's interjection, looked back at him. She folded her arms together, wounded.

"I'm gonna take a walk," Kenny said, pointedly ignoring Tessa, "Are you okay here?"


Kenny crossed the room, passing Tessa without acknowledgment, and kissed Clay. Then, without another word, he left the apartment.

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