Part 11

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Ben and Earth both lay side by side, their shoulders touching as they hear the other breathing.

The smaller wants to talk, ask exactly what is going on, because he's so scared that everything was a figment of his drunk mind.

Then he feels it. Ben's hand on his, tight, hesitant but tight. As if asking if that's okay.

Of course it's okay.

Earth intertwines their finger and finally he lets out a tiny deep breath, relived that he isn't the only one that's scared.

Because Ben is shaking a bit and call Earth weird but that calms him down. That makes him believe that it's real and very much happening.

"I don't want you to feel pressured" Ben whispers after a while of his thumb tenderly rubbing against Earths knuckles.

"What..?" It's a tiny. Earth is afraid to break the small bubble they've created.

"Yeah, we love each other, and I .....I get that you're still a bit worried I might be confused but....I'm not, really, but I get if you still want to take your time, because I'd wait for you for forever, just remember that I do love you, that it makes me happy you love me back and I feel like the luckiest man alive to have you by—-mmmm"

Earth gets tired of hearing Ben's romantic ass go on and on.

He dives in and plants a kiss right on the mans lips.

Ben chuckles softly and begins to kiss back, slowly pushing himself up and hovering over the smaller. Their tongues dance against each other.

Earth grips tight onto Ben's shoulders for support even if he's diving right into the bed. It's feels like he's flying.

"Is this going to be your way of shutting me up from now on?" Ben whispers as he pulls away, brown eyes dancing around his lovers face.

Earth blushes hard, he smiles "don't you like it?"

"I love it" Ben's lips go back to his new favorite place.

They were both enjoying their time together.

The sun was out and they had their days off, so Ben drove them to a park. Laying out a blanket, some sandwiches that Earth had made and a couple of beers, because why not?

"P', do you think we'll end?"

Ben has his arm wrapped around Earths shoulders as the other lays his head on his chest. His heart breaks a bit at the thought.

It hurts even more as he thinks they aren't even official yet.

Kisses have been shared.

Love words have been exchanged.

Yet neither of them had the courage to ask exactly what they were.

"I'm not sure," Ben has a million things he wants to say, so many reassuring words he wishes to give, but he's afraid they'd all be lies.

Because, really, he's not sure what the future could hold for both of them.

"All I know is, no matter how hard, id always work things out for you, with you, till you don't want me to"

Earth listens to Ben's heart beating pick up. Soon their dog runs up to them and begins to bark, happy barks.

Ben chuckles and sits up, causing Earth to also sit up and watch the scene of Ben petting Levi.


Ben turns to look at Earth. The other gives him a sweet smile, almost like a smirk.

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