Last Resort

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Hello everyone! I wanted to share one more thing that can help. You may think that this does nothing to the effect of helping, but i reasure you that it does. If your like me, you may have been working on writing a book for a few years. In my case, it has been just over four years! if you are stuck and have tried all of these tips, and you have restarted multiple times, you need to part ways! Not forever, but for a while. Take a break, it is needed. In my case, I took a two year break, and it helped. I was able to get through 100 pages. Then, it all got deleted and I gave up. Anyway, just take a break, you need to part ways with it. If it's meant to be, you will be able to come back when you are ready, wheather its a few weeks, months, even years.

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