Moving Forward

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@EmoTaco101 asked a question that is something I actually struggle with as well. She asked how to keep writing and not focus on the details. She mentioned she knows what going to happen and come next but when she writes it feel like she is skipping parts. However, when she focusses on getting the details the books moves too slow and becomes boring.

So, one thing that helps me is plotting and making the road ahead. By doing this I know the rough direction the book is headed in, as well as the main events. Sometimes I know certain conversations or specific events that need to happen so i might write those out on index cards as well. By doing this you aren't tying yourself down to a plot line but giving yourself a direction. Amie Kaufman has a saved story on her Instagram page that I found very helpful, she mentions using colored index cards.

The other thing I do is set a limit. Its easy to write a page or two and realize all thats wrong with it. Don't go back and edit!!!!! Set a limit, whether its 10 pages or 100 pages wait until you get there to go back. I usually do 15 pages and then I go back, not to edit, but to make sure the overall plot and conversations are portrayed correctly. I try not to go down the rabbit hole of editing until I have at least 50 to 100 pages written.

Those are just some of the things I do that are helpful. If you have different way of fixing the question stated feel free to leave it in the comments section!!

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