Yay! New chapter!!

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"How, how could this be Violet?" He went to put his arms on her shoulder but she backed away, nothing the guy could say would ever change her mind. Many things had happened to her, but maybe more has happened to them. The woman they loved has been in a coma for three years, and look. One has gotten over her, and the second is just as mad. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she do anything right?

"What happened since that day at work. When I...passed out?" Her words were feeble. Barely escaping her mouth in a whisper.

"Darling. I have watched you for many years. Every day since you started working here, I had admired you. Of course your age and that dreaded DOG of a boyfriend you had was in my way. But now that he has a bride, and You are of age for my complete enjoyment. I feel like we must celebrate."

"Excuse me!" Violet yelled, she jumped at John and began to hit his side with all of her might, but it was no use. Her limbs were like noodles from not being used in so long.

"Now, Now, Pumpkin. We don't want to get all worked up, do we?" He was right. It was stupid to challenge him. Plus, she could use a night out. She hasn't been out in... ever.

"Alright, fine. I'll do whatever you want."

"That's playing team Hillwick." He said as he grinned ear to ear. "We will go to the beach now."

"But I have like, no clothes. I've been living with this chick I found at Wal-mart.

"Wise decisions, my love."

"If you call me anything sentimental again, I'm kicking you in the balls."

"Okay, what you wish... Madam." He bowed as if Violet were royalty. Side stepping to the door, followed by opening it. She stepped out, and Zachariah was still standing there, waiting. Oh no, I forgot about him.

"Hello, Violet. I see that we have... Made up?"

"Why yes, we most certainly have Zach'. I umm. We are going to get some lunch and chat. Don't worry." Zach's smile slowly faded. I think he caught on.

"What, what seems to be going on here, John?"

"Oh Zachariah, I don't think this is of your concern. Don't you have some paperwork to do?" Zach stood there, in utter shock of John's words. As well as Violet's. 

Her tone was completely different.

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