Chapter 1

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It was a sunny morning, Violet awoke and yawned. Well, it was time and it was moving day. And she was late!

"Omg, omg, I can't be late, Zach'll kill me!Oh, who am I kidding? I should just call in sick, I have a lot to do anyway."Violet picked up her phone and quickly pressed '8'. Zachariah Washington's speed dial number.

"Vi' What the hell? You're an hour late and you had a double shift today, what happened?" He had a slightly annoyed tone, Violet could tell what was about to happen. "You have been with us for a long time and I hate to barely ever see you here. I'm sorry but I'll have to let you go unless you come into work in twenty minutes. I'm your friend first and your boss second but, I have to do it. Understand?" Tears were virtually streaming down her face as he uttered those words. She was finished. She can't lose her job or her stuff, but...she had to decide which was more important. "Zach I'm moving today. I can't come in. Dude, as soon as I-"

"No, you'll listen. I'm not being easy on you anymore. You'll have to decide okay? I really don't want to do this but I have to. Goodbye." He cut the conversation short just as she broke down and began to sob. How could this have happened? She needed this job, She had worked so hard to get it. All these years will be wasted because of stupid Derek. Can't trust idiots with money- RENT money. "I guess it won't be so bad. It's just a meeting, and I can switch my things around to do it here." She cleaned herself up and headed out the door, only stopping to trip on her cat, Shya.

Ten minutes later she ended up in front of the Youtube office-her work office. "Another day another dollar. God I love my job." She smirked as she headed through the door and greeted the secretaries. This might not be such a bad day after all. Though, she knew what was coming. Trying to duck by Zach's office proved to be a challenge so she just went through the employee's lounge. Dammit. He was on break.

"Well, hello Violet. I see you decided to come in today. what are you going to do about later today? Because you can't miss the meeting."

"When does it start?" She just remembered what time it was.

"Five minutes ago." He was wearing a smirk as usual. Zachariah stood up. He was tall, thin. He had beautiful, brown, thick, curly hair that lovingly fell just above his large sturdy shoulders. Violet had seen him only in suits or casual-wear, so she'd never really seen his arms lately. She could tell though that they were well muscled. She had really felt something more than just friends, but he was like a brother and he could be SOO annoying sometimes.

"Are you serious? You made me late!"

"I know. Shame on me, now just go it's starting in a bit." He was almost laughing at this point.

"I hate you sometimes, ya know."

She stormed out of the lounge, sprinting to the board room, Just as the meeting started she slid into her chair.

"Alright people, It's time we discuss budget. Sarah, you'll have to stop on the DIY's for a little while. Stick to the gaming channels, clean 'em up." John, the head supervisor, nodded to Sarah, the girl that could do just about anything under the sun (except play video-games) Sarah was short, with long black hair and a thick purple streak going down her head for edge. She was married, but no older than twenty-three, Yet she acted like the adult most of the time. John looked directly at Violet, "Violet, I've heard you've been having trouble with your schedule. If this is a concern of yours, come with me to my office after the meeting, please."

"But, John! I have things to do today!"

"Well then I guess you don't want a job here."

At that Violet clammed up and stayed silent during the rest of the meeting- which lasted just short of forever.

"Violet, I hope you will come with me to my office...NOW!"

He was leading her to his office and she couldn't help but wonder, why did they have to talk TODAY? Why now? Whatever it was, she really didn't mind. John was tall, a little taller than Zach, and he had wavy blond hair that was always in his face and in a small ponytail. He had a tattoo, she knew, but he never told anyone what it was for. All she knew is that he was big, strong, and she couldn't stand his many girlfriends coming and going-in and out of the office.

"Why does it have to be today, John?" Violet almost whispered as he closed and locked the door.

"It's been a while since we talked, huh, Violet?"

"Yeah, but what about it?"

"I think I know why you didn't fight all that much when I brought you here."

Dammit, now he was going to put her in a different division-all because of a stupid crush.

"Yeah? And why is that?"

"You like me."

"Well, in my defense, you are delicious and you have that beautiful hair, squared jaw, and your body...mmm. You can't entirely-"

"Enough, I thank you for the complements and... I think it's time that we act upon it. You have such a pretty face. Small nose, big, green eyes, and your hair. It is so beautiful, a thick lusterous red-almost blood. I can't stand it when I see you in the office and you don't say anything. I want you, I need you Violet. Will you spend eternity with me?"

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