You Don't Trust Me Anyways

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*Damon hugs Katherine, Diana aka Katherine now, who has never felt this soothing feeling before,hugs him back*

Damon: So tell me your side of the story now.

Katherine: Before that i would like to hear what all happened here in Mystic Falls while i wasn't keeping a check. Fill me up with the information, will you?

Damon: Today was founders day-

*Katherine interrupts Damon*

Katherine: Today was what?

Damon: Founders day.

*Damon looks at Katherine with confusion*

Damn it so does that mean?

Damon is over Katherine?

If that's the case then why is he being so nice?

Is it butterfly effect or is he scheming something against me to get revenge?


Damon: What happened?

Katherine: Don't you know?

Damon: WHAAAAT? Are u trying to get away with the things i want you to answer?

Katherine: Please! I'm Katherine Pierce

Damon: So u figured it out, huh?

Katherine: What did you expect?

*Damon pushes Katherine down the floor and injects her with vervain, She faints. Stefan hurriedly enters the room and carries her to the underground room where he once locked Damon*

Damon to Stefan: Do u get deja vu! Baby bro I've been here and trust me she won't like to be here and that's what makes it more interesting!

Stefan: I didn't think this plan would work out but u actually did it.

*Stefan chains Katherine from a chair*

Damon: Me neither! Who would've known that i could manipulate the manipulative bitch, hahah.

*Stefan makes an obvious fake laughter*

*Damon glares at Stefan*

Damon: What?

Stefan: Just because we were able to chain her up doesn't mean we won. She's Katherine, don't underestimate her.

Katherine who acted to faint listens to their conversation. If real Katherine were to hear these words from them she wouldn't care, but for Diana, who was in Katherine's body it was hard to shallow it.

Being blamed for someone else's mistake is the worst thing a person can go through.

Pov - Katherine
I guess i should quit the act now! I was here to make such a great deal with them. I would let them live peacefully with Elena but they did me dirty. I tried talking it out but it seems that they only know the language of actions. I may as well stab them while i leave, they don't trust me anyways.

Katherine: *laughs*

Damon: So you woke up?

Stefan: Hey there again, Katherine.

Katherine: ....

Damon: So you're planning to play mute now?

Stefan: If you are, then let me tell you it doesn't suit your personality.

Katherine: I tried talking before but it seems like you both don't understand basic human language because you're too busy being a backstabbing bitch, sorry dogs i guess?

Stefan: Well, you're the backstabbing bitch not us.

Katherine: Trust me, you're much better at it.

*smile fades away from both Stefan and Damon's face*

Damon: OUCH! that hurts but I'll take it as a compliment.

Stefan: Cut it out Damon.

*Stefan holds Katherine's face aggressively*

Stefan: Tell why did you come back here? What are you up to?

*Katherine says with a straight face*

Katherine: As far as i know I'm upto nothing.

Stefan: So u won't tell me that easily huh?

*Damon passes Stefan vervain*

*Stefan put vervain on Katherine's face. Her skins starts burning and she screams.

Damon: Tell me now why you're here?

*Katherine breaks the chains and chair to which she was tied up with*

(Katherine to herself in mind): Should i just say what Katherine said in the original show or just let them wonder how am i so strong even tho i have vervain in my system.

Katherine: I've been so nice to both of you. You both surely didn't deserve it.

Damon: Shut it Katherine.

Katherine: Really? But I'd rather you shut your eyes.

*Katherine picks up the wood of broken chair and stabs both Stefan and Damon, they both growl. She chains them down, shoves vervain in their mouth and ties their mouth with her scarf so that they have no other option but to gulp vervain down.*

Katherine: Now you guys can sit here for few hours and reflect on your actions.

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now