Normal Day (1)

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Darryl Pov:

"Rise and shine!"

I heard my mom yell to me from outside my door, knocking on it.

At least she respects my privacy.

"I'm up!" I yell back to my mother

I groan as I get out of bed. Why do I have to wake up so earlyyy? I complained to myself.

I check my clock, it read 6:03am.
Great, another day of school. I thought to myself as I get out of my bed. I didn't necessarily hate school though. I hate it as much as a normal kid would. Like a love hate relationship.

I just put on what I normally wear. I'm not very fashionable, and I feel comfortable wearing it, so why not? It was just baggy jeans, any color t-shirt I can find that's clean, and my favorite hoodie. It's a black hoodie with red pockets. The sleeves have light gray checkers going down. And at the very end, at the tips of the sleeves, they are the same red as the hoodies front pocket. But my favorite part, is the hood. It's just a normal black hood, but it has two red horns coming out of it, the same red as the pocket and the tips of my sleeves. I just like it cause I think it makes me look tough!

I put on some light gray socks, and headed downstairs. My mom was there in the kitchen waiting for me.

When my mom saw me she smiled and pulled out a chair at the table, indicating she wanted me to sit down. I walked over and sat down. She walked away for a second and came back with a plate. It had eggs, bacon, and toast on it. With a cup of milk on the side.

"Thank you!" I said kindly to my mom.

She doesn't normally make me breakfast in the morning, and I would have to eat breakfast at school. So I had to be very kind to my mother when she did make me breakfast, because I know it takes her a lot to make me it. Not because she's sick or anything, but because she is to tired in the mornings to do it.

I quickly tried to eat up my food, but I ended up getting full before I even finished.

"Do you want my food?" I ask my mother.

She shook her head no and told me to just throw it away. I felt bad doing it but she said it was okay so I threw it away despite the guilty feeling.

I washed my dish and headed towards the front door. I put on my black vans that I wear every day, even though it bothers me how long it takes to put them on. I stood up off the ground, put on my backpack, and surprise! It's also black. I checked the time, 6:30am before waving my mom goodbye, and walking out the front door. School actually starts at 7:30am, but I take the bus so I have to wake up and leave earlier than a lot of people.

I made it to my bus stop, which is a few blocks down from my house, and waited for the bus. There were some other kids pushing each other, and laughing. Those kids annoy me. They think they are soooo funny. They especially are irritating when they cus, which is a lot. Funny how they think they are cool.

The bus eventually came, bus number 23. And we all lined up to get on the bus. Of course though, the "funny" kids cut to the front of the line.

I ended getting an empty seat anyway. I have to friends on the bus in the morning, so I normally just stare out the window the whole time. The the next bus stop a kid asked if they could sit with me, I nodded and simply looked back out the window.

We made it to school after like 20 minutes. The bus takes forever. I got off the bus and walked to the front of the school. There was a bunch of kids walking inside and I stood there for a second.

I still had 30 minutes until school started. I waited as the bunch of kids trying to get in through the gate dialed down. And then I walked inside. There's an outside area where a lot of the kids like to hand out, but I just normally go inside. I walked into the building and saw Alex, by best friend.

He also takes the bus, but a different one since we live pretty far away. And he probably made it in earlier than me 'cause he's the type to shove people out of his way, not in a mean way, but because he's impatient.

"Hey! Alex!" I say as I come running over to him.

"Oh hey Darryl!" Alex yelled back to me.

When I made it to him I was out of breath, 'cause my backpack was so heavy. I have to carry around so many books and such, it's tiring.

"Hey big man!" Said a raspy voice from behind Alex.

I recognize that voice.

"Hey Tommy." I said without even seeing his face. He stepped out from behind Alex and smiled.

"Wah!" I yelled as I felt someone try and scare me from behind.

I turned around and saw Nick.

"Hahaha got you!" Nick teased.

"Ha ha very funny, you muffinhead."

"Hey Darryl, have you seen Karl? I haven't seen him around." Nick asked me.

"Oh sorry but no I haven't, I just got here." I told Nick.

"Hey Nick over here!" Yelled someone with a British accent off in the distance.

"Oh it's fine Darryl, I was just asking, okay, cya!" Nick said running towards the person who yelled his name.

It was George. George was one of his best friends, along with Dream. The people call them the Dream team because Dream always scares them away, seeming like he's the leader. But I don't know why people are so scared of him, he's a little puppy.

"Hm that's weird," Tommy said.

I turned to him and gave him a look that says what?

"Oh just that Nick can't find Karl, they are always together, it's like they are dating or something." Tommy said, giggling.

"Karl's probably just not here today." Alex said sounding a bit annoyed.

Alex gets overprotective over Karl. I think he might like him.


"The bell already?!" I asked

"Okay see you later!" Tommy yelled.

He's always so loud.

"Yeah see you!" Alex said.

"Mhm! Bye!" I replied to both of them as we all walked in different directions.

Andddd done with part 1! Did you like it? I hope you did, if someone even sees this lmao.

Word count is 1118! Okay cya guys!

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