Notes (32)

140 5 15

Darryl Pov:


It's Wednesday now!

I woke up smiling as it was a nice bright day. Well, that was before the memories of yesterday came back to mind.

"Uggh," I groaned out while reaching over to my nightstand to grab my glasses.

I got up, and put on my clothes.

I put on some white sweat pants, with a light red sweater with diamond shapes as design tucked into the sweatpants. And the same, black sneakers.

Slipping on my backpack, I walked out the front door and headed to the bus stop.

The wind was cold, making me be glad that I decided to wear warmer clothes. Guess that sun in the sky wasn't doing it's job.




At school, I asked a teacher permission to go to the gym room, which they granted.

I wanted to go to my gym locker to put my gym clothes in there. I had taken them home the day prior to clean them.

The gym was empty, with only the gym teacher in their office that they have on the side of the gym.

Being in the gym empty scares me. Every noise I make echoes meaning that even if you were across the whole gym, you could still hear my footsteps.

And so, I walked into the locker room after letting the gym teacher know I was there, and found my locker.

The second that I opened it, a paper came flying out and onto the floor.

I picked it up to read it.

Just give up!
You won't find me.

Now I felt uncomfortable.

My hand started shaking after reading the note, and I stood staring at it.

"Did you find the paper?"




I swung my head around to see who was behind me.

"Zak? What are you-"

"So? Did you!?" Zak cut me off.

Wait is Zak the...

"No, that's not it," Zak said, reaching past me.

He put his hand into my locker and pulled out another piece of paper. "Here," he said, handing it to me.

"...Zak, this is just a drawing of a diamond," I groaned.

"Well, yeahh! Do you like it?! I'm pretty proud of it!"

I sighed and turned back to my locker to stuff my clothes inside, and shoved the note in my pocket before Zak could read it.

"..Soo? Do you like me drawing?"

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