The Fight Begins (55)

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Saturday at 10am
Darryl Pov:

I groggily sit up and rub my eyes.

Did I fall asleep?

I sigh and pick up my phone. But as soon as I do I see multiple, and I mean multiple missed calls from the one and only Zak.

I realize that my vision was blurry and immediately feel around my bed looking for my glasses.

After setting my glasses neatly on my face I pick up my phone again and saw the exact number of missed calls. It was fourteen. He called me fourteen times, probably worried. And here I am sleeping away without a care in the world.

I call myself a muffin top under my breath and go to call Zak back.

Before the first ring could even finish the phone was picked up and I heard a distressed Zak from the other end. "DARRYL?!" He yelled.

"Zak! I'm sorry that I didn't answer your calls! I was sleeping because I'm gonna be busy later."

"Oh.. I'm just glad you're safe," Zak said and I could almost hear him smiling.

There was a slightly awkward silence for literally like 4 minutes and I debated whether or not I should hang up when Zak spoke up again.

"Oh yeah! There's something else!" He said with only half excitement.

"What is it?!" I asked, matching his energy.

"My mom said that she hates it here. She actually is thinking about moving back since the house hasn't been sold yet, that's how much she hates it!" He said.

The biggest smile ever made its way to my face. "Are you serious?!? Do you think you can convince her to move back here?!" I asked and I could hear the excitement coming from my mouth.

Zak laughed and said "don't get your hopes up, silly! I don't know, I can try though. I really want to see you.."

I sighed and sat back down into a calmer position. "I really want to see you too."

Zak giggled and was about to say something when Fundy busted into my bedroom door.

"Darryl! What are you doing?!" Fundy asked.

I panicked when Zak asked who was there and I quickly told Zak I had to go and hung up.

"Fundy! What the muffin, man?!" I asked in a panicked voice.

"We have got to go! C'mon!" Fundy said and he grabbed my arm.

I checked the time as Fundy was dragging me and it was 11:30am. Which meant that I had been talking to Zak for about an hour and a half. And that the fight would be starting in half an hour.

Fundy kept dragging me. Outside of my house, outside of the neighborhood, out in the streets, in an allyway.

And when we made it to the alleyway I saw a huge group of kids, all carrying a weapon.

"Fundy!" I whispered "I didn't have time to grab my weapon!"

He looked at me after letting go of the hold he had on my arm and reached into his pocket to grab a gun.

"Take this," he said and handed me it.

I don't really like guns but it's better than nothing, so I took it and thanked Fundy.

"He should be facing away from us, let's go in," Fundy said.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down my anxiety as all of the kids slowly started to follow Fundy through the small opening.

I was one of the last people in, and I stopped after realizing everyone else had stopped too.

I looked up and saw a very big guy. He had a large green cloak that covered his whole body and a mask, or- something that covered his whole head, it was a white cylinder and it had scratches all over it.

I peeled my eyes away from the man and saw he was facing away from us, and was talking to George.

I wasn't that surprised since I already knew about his deal with XD but when I looked over at Fundy his face was a mixture of anger and confusion.

I looked back at the scene in front of us.

They were on what seemed to be a platform of some sort, it has stairs leading up to where they were and everything.

XD was standing in front of a throne, facing away from us and chatting with George.

George glanced at us and I saw his face drop. He started fidgeting with his hands and XD seemed to notice.

"What's wrong, George? Something bothering you?" XD asked in a tone of voice that I have never heard from anyone before.

George trembled a little as XD lifted his hand to George's face in an attempt to calm him down.

"F-fine-" George cleared his throat "I'm fine, Dream."

XD stopped moving completely and just looked at George for a moment. George looked shocked and covered his mouth.

"I told you not to call me that." Was all XD said.

George apologized and took a deep breath to calm himself down over the fact that a giant group of kids was behind the man he worked for.

Me, Fundy, Nick, Charlie and all of the other kids looked around at each other nervously.

I heard footsteps and noticed that XD was walking away, into another room, leaving George behind.

George made sure XD was gone before quietly walking over to us.

"Don't say a word and just listen," George said when he walked over to us "XD is gone and he will be back soon, so we need to get as much as we can done to this room as we can before that happens."

We all sat there for a few seconds before Alex slowly raised his hand.

George face palmed and sighed.

"What is it, Alex?" He asked with annoyance.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Alex asked.

George face palmed again.

"I'm talking about traps. Y'know, like spikes on his throne or something like that?" George explained.


"You didn't bring any, did you?"


"You guys are so gonna die."


BROOOOO I have no motivation AJDJSIID. This is actual RUBISH. I don't even know what's happening in the story right now, all I know is how I want it to end, not the stuff leading up to the ending. 🤦
Now I'm face palming like George damnit. 🤦
Have a good day/night! Ily-

Word count is 1076


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