The Junior

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As the two walk deeper and deeper into the empty town, Wei Wuxian step on a paper doll head. Wei Wuxian bend down to pick it up, "is a paper head, this look like a stygian malla."

"Be heed, be cautious."

Wei Wuxian dropped the head back to the ground, that is when the two see a white shadow running pass them. The two looked at each other, they ran after whoever it was that ran pass by them.

Lan Wangji stop running, he looks to his right, he sees a figure of a girl running on the other side. He decided to go after it.

Wei Wuxian keep on running straight ahead, he didn't realize that Lan Wangji isn't by his side anymore. Only when he ran into a couple of familiar Juniors but two clans he never saw before.

"Who?" Jin Ling asked.

"Whoa, isn't Jin Gongzi and Sizhui." 'What in the world are all of these Junior doing in Yi City?'

"Is you again."

"I am also wondering why it is always you again."

"Mo gongzi, you're here too," Sizhui is happy to see Wei Wuxian again even though he still calls Wei Wuxian, Mo gongzi. The Junior doesn't know who Wei Wuxian really is yet.

"Does that mean Hanguang Jun is here as well?"

Jingyi look up into the sky, he sees a blue glare from Lan Wangji Bichen, "it must be Hanguang Jun, that is his Bichen."

'These kids sure look up to you, Hanguang Jun,' "Yes, he here. He here. But tell me first, why are all of you here in Yi City? Don't tell me that you all decide to go on a night hunt together?"

"This place is really strange. There is like no people around here." Jingyi agree to what Jin Ling just said.

"Is broad daylight, but this place is full of fog, you can't even see anything around you. And none of the shop are open."

"That is not what I am asking. I want to know why are all of you here first."

"It is a very long story, Mo qianbei. When we enter into the town, we were worried that we will get lost, that is why we all gather together. Suddenly, we heard this sound. Sometime is slow and sometime is fast. One by one, very slowly. We saw a small figure in the fog, they were walking very slowly. It disappeared once we run to it. This sound followed us all along since then."

Then it was Jingyi turn to tell Wei Wuxian, "We have walked this same road after we entered into this town, and we never changed our direction. But somehow we couldn't get out of here."

'Couldn't get out of here? How long have they been here anyway?' "Then have any of you try to maneuvering your sword?"

Lan Sizhui is the one to speak for all, "We did try. I felt like I have flew upwards for a very long distance. But it wasn't that high, actually. There seem to be some shadow flying higher and higher in the sky. Since, I don't know what it was, worrying about being unable to cope with it, I came back down to the ground."

"Then is this fog toxic?" Jingyi is scare that they might get poison by this fog.

"It's not. We are not dead yet, aren't we still standing here alive?"

Jingyi patted his chest to calm him down, he didn't think that this fog is toxic until Wei Wuxian said that they are still alive.

"I should have bring my dog fairy with me. It is all because of your dumb donkey," Jin Ling turn to look at Jingyi.

"We haven't even blamed your dog fairy yet, he was the first one to bit little apple and got kicked by little apple. Whose fault was it first? Now neither of the two of them can move."

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