The Person Behind Everything

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That night Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning went back to the temple, the street was quiet except for the rolling thunderstorm.

Before they can enter into the temple, Lan Wangji threw a rock in front of the door, "it is a protection charm or more is a warrant."

Wei Wuxian turn to look at Wen Ning, "Wen Ning, wait here. In case something happen to me or Hanguang Jun, run back to the Jiang clan and tell them what happen."

Wen Ning want to say something but Wei Wuxian cut him off, "I am only prepare for the worst beside we have Hanguang Jun here, so don't worry okay? Wait here."

"I think we should go to the back and climb the roof from there."


So the two of them went to the back and climb up on the roof. While at it, this make Wei Wuxian see a flash back.
(One more flashback okay)


Wei Wuxian see himself climbing up a roof, he look right and left to see if there is anyone around.

When he got both of his foot on the other side, he felt someone is looking at him. So he turn to his right, he see Lan Wangji standing there looking at him, this gave him a heart attack.

"Lan er gongzi.....are.....are....are you looking at the moon?" Wei Wuxian asked.

Lan Wangji didn't said anything, "Lan er gongzi, I only at to come see if my Shijie and the other are here or not. I even brought the invitation, here I'll let you see it."

"Come back after curfew, that's one rule you have broken."


"Alcohol is prohibited in cloud Recesse, that is two rule you have broken."

"Wey Lan er gongzi, is there any rule in your clan that is not forbidden?"

End flashback

When they are on the roof, they see the Jin clan disciple holding bow and arrow in their hand.

That is when Lan Wangji see his brother Lan Xichen walking out from inside the temple.

"Hanguang jun it look like your brother is not hurt or anything."


Soon they all heard barking coming from outside of the temple. The Jin clan ready their bow and arrow pointing at the door.

"Please don't hurt him, he just a kid," Lan Xichen look at the Jin disciple around him.

'What?! Where is Wen Ning? Why didn't he stop Jin Ling? Why is this brat here so late at night?! Why isn't that Angry Lotus Uncle of his didn't stop his idiot nephew from coming here?!' Wei Wuxian shout angrily in his mind.

Both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian heard the sound of the roof brick coming from their right, they see Jin Ling climbing the wall. Then the Jin disciple shoot their arrow at him. Wei Wuxian stand up, he threw his flute at one of the arrow to save Jin Ling, "Hey brat run away already!"

Jin Ling listen to Wei Wuxian, he doesn't even want to be here.

The Jin disciple turn their attention back to Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, "Wei Ying, I'll go first!" Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

Lan Wangji went ahead of Wei Wuxian, he knock all of the arrow away with his sword. The two landed on the ground, Lan Wangji see something shining behind Wei Wuxian so he did one thing, he grab onto Wei Wuxian and pull him behind his back. He cut the string with his sword.

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