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After finishing their snacks and Ollie finally successfully tired herself to the point of not being able to stand on her own. Wesley having no other choices, picked her up with his arms, carrying his furry friend while walking Ina back home. Ollie pants heavily from all the running around and chasing squirrels non-stop back there. Ina brushes off the bits of grass that was left in Ollie's fur, "She probably needs a shower, right?" Ina asks, gently stroking Ollie's golden fur.

"Yep, and I totally forgot she hated taking one," Wesley signs, knowing that he'll probably get splattered in water. Ollie hearing the word 'bath' immediately looks Wesley in the eyes, wanting to be sure that it's something she missed heard. "Don't give me that look, look at your dirty paws!" Wesley tilts his head towards Ollie's muddy paws, "You're not setting your foot down my house before you're sparkling clean!" Wesley said.

Ollie shifts her head this time towards Ina, while also letting off a soft whimper at her. Ina just simply pets Ollie on her head, "Can I help you bathing her?" Ina asks. "You want to help me in what?" Wesley asks. "I never had a pet dog before; this is my first time giving a dog a bath. I want to see what's it is like!" Ina answered, with her eyes almost shines in excitement.

"Well, alright. But you'll probably get yourself dirty in the process, and..." Wesley pauses. Unsure how to continue without making it weird to say so. "Right, I didn't brought any spare cloths." Luckily Ina noticed it, with Wesley let out a quiet sign of relief. "Mind borrowing yours?" Ina asks, completely taken Wesley aback.

"You..." Wesley feels his face growing warm, "What? I'll do the laundry and then return it to you ok? No need to worry!" Ina ensures, not noticing the slight blush on Wesley head. They both remained that way with Ina excited to be able to experience the feeling of having to taking care of a pet and Wesley still trying his best not to overthinking stuff.

After a walk down the park, they both reached Wesley's resident. It was a terraced house arranged in a row by the street. Wesley's house it relatively comfortable with him and Ollie being the only resident in it. "Hey Wesley! I see you finished your stroll in the park?" The man next door asks, as he tidy up his glasses.

"Mr. Nathan! Good to see you! Yes, just had my fun in the park. Look at how tired Ollie is right now!" Wesley reveals the now exhausted Ollie in his arms. Nathan gives off a small chuckle before setting his gaze onto Ina.

"Oh, I didn't recognize you. Are you new here Miss?" Nathan asks.

"I'm just paying a visit to my friend Wesley here," Ina politely returned a smile back at him. "Well, Wesley here is a fine gentleman alright" he winks at Wesley. Wesley feeling that the situation is heading towards another direction quickly changes the subject. "So, Mr. Nathan, I see your garden is blooming quite beautifully these days!"

"Oh, why thank you! I've been taking care of them tirelessly." Nathan points at the flowers. "Nathan! Is that Wesley you're talking to?" a feminine voice calls inside Nathan's house. "Ah! Mrs. Elena! How are you?" Wesley greets upon seeing her coming out of the house with a bag of cookies in her hands. "I'm good thank you, this is for you" Elena handed Wesley the bag of cookies.

Wesley froze, not knowing how to receive the bag with Ollie resting in his arms. Ina seeing this Ina steps in and aided Wesley. "Thanks Mrs. Elena! I'm Ina, Wesley's friend," Ina greets.

"Nice to meet you, Ina! It's been a while since having the chance of seeing Wesley having his friends to come over. Apart from Toby, I think you're the second to be invited!" Elena smiles back at her.

"It's an honor" Ina jokes, which four of them laughs at it.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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