A New Day

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Standing before me is what that remains in you- lying on peacefully.

Upon your leave, I wonder when will we meet again.

 Thou it hurts to kept the loneliness alone; I wish you are comfortable within. 

Long I'd craved for your soothing voice, calming the struggles that shatters the hearts of mine. 

You were the one who held me while I'm in tears, you were the one who supported me while the world had given up on me. You given me love when I'm lonely, and without you, I'm nothing for who I am today

"I miss you"

I hope my words would reach you wherever you are.

I hardly sleep at night as I miss the warmth of your body and the alluring scent of your body next to me.

 It's like a piece of me had followed you away escape out from my grasp. I'm lost without you, never knowing who am I to the world before me. 

The fragmented memories of you are enough to drown me in despair, wanting to forget but eager to remember the feelings we had in the past.

Are you finally at ease?

Do you still remember our feelings or had you forgotten all about it?

That I may never know.

They say time heals, but the wounds I inflicted on myself may never heal. As the feelings I had for you pains me to recall. 

As I find myself impossible to

Forgetting You.


The days went by as they should, yet this day marks a new achievement for his life. My name is Wesley Fisher. I was born in a small town located on the outskirts of the city that is now I call home. My childhood didn't have any particular rare events that happened, like winning a jackpot, scoring the highest score in school, or having a fancy looking face either. Just some random old-chap, living his life in the world of his.

Come to think of it, I do have an incident regarding myself as whole thou I hardly remember anything about it. As I regather my thoughts back, I found myself standing in front of a mirror with a fine-looking suit ready for my job interview later on. Tidying up my hair, I readjust my tie and ready to face my day.

"All set, just some Bits 'n Bobs left for cleaning and...done!" Looking back at my reflection to ensure everything is as perfect as it seems. A sudden bark from behind had my back jolted by surprise. "Blimey! You nearly gave me a heart attack you doodle dog!" Petting it furiously on its head, with its tongue sticking out panting. "Ollie sit!" I commanded. Ollie followed without question, while its tail wagging across the floor. "I'll be heading off soon, help me guard the house will ya?" Wesley asks. Ollie looks at Him before letting out a confident bark as a reply. "Now you'll be good until I return, I'll be going now!" Wesley says. Waving goodbye to Ollie from the window, as he makes my way towards the bus stop.

After a few minutes of walking, already a crowd of people had already formed near the sign. Poking their head out of the road impatiently for the bus to arrive. "Oi! Wesley!" A voice calls amongst the crowd. Waving his hands high up for Wesley to distinguish him and others apart. "Morning mate!" Toby greets Wesley with a cup of hot steamy tea in his hand. "Morning," Wesley greets back. "You're looking rather sharp today," Toby compliments. "Well It's my interview today," Wesley nervously explain. "Why would you look at that, you're all grown up now. Looking for jobs, chatting up girls here and there. Kids sure grow up fast, last time I saw you, you're still a little chap" Toby says.

"What can I say, time flies," Wesley says. "Well, give me a bell about your interview. You have my best of luck." Toby wishes. "Thanks, appreciated mate!" Wesley thanks. Shortly after, the iconic red-colored bus arrives at the station, boarding up passengers that had grew grumpy from the long wait.

Stepping onto the bus, Wesley returns to his usual sit that's situated next to a window. Setting aside my suitcase, while Toby sits right next to me. He's two years older than me, yet he always has the image of an old man, or uncle to be at least. He'd been taking care of me since childhood and had been like my older brother to me.

As the bus resumes its engine, the nostalgic image of the city streets passing across the window before me never fails to bore me. Grabbing all my attention towards the ever-moving scenery.

"Still enjoying the view?" Toby asks "It helps me to relieve my anxieties I guess," Wesley replies, still unable to hide away the shaking in his voice. Seeing this, Toby had his arm placed onto his shoulder. "Now, I know it's a little scary but trust me it's just going to be a blink in the eye and everything is over. Whilst at that moment, all you had to do is to straighten up! Bring out the best of you and confidently nail that interview! You got that? I'll be waiting for the news," Toby says, reaffirming Wesley that he got his support.

"Thanks, mate, I'll do my best!" Wesley expresses his gratitude for Toby's support. The sound of the squeaking breaks notifies Wesley that he had reached his destination. He let out a breath that he unknowingly held on and had his mind cleared from the stress he had amounted. Remembering the words Toby had said to him before dismounting off the bus.

"Wesley" Toby shouts.

"May luck be on your side! Always!" He wishes again before the automatic doors close and the bus drives off towards the distance. Leaving only the scent of gas around the air. 

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