The hospital

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Yolonda's POV
I never knew it was this bad i was going to talk to her after she was done school but my first priority was to get to the hospital to save my baby girl.
But nothing prepared me for when i got there
"Are you Elliana Walmsley's mother? A  voice came from behind
"Y-yes i am is she alright?" I turned and answered
"She is stable but she did go into complete heart failure for a moment we had to shock her heart to get it to beat again she is a very lucky girl" the doctor explained
"When can i take my baby home?"
Unfortunately you can not  do that for a while she is still unconscious and needs to be admitted for a mental evaluation"
This here is out best phycatrist she will help you with all your questions "
"Hello my name is Dr.Klein"
All i could say was hi
"When can i see my daughter"
I was getting angry now
"Soon we are still doing tests"
"How long has she been struggling like this"?
"How should i know she is 12 she never tells me nothing"
"I understand"
"Well is there any history of mental illness in your family?"
No I exclaimed now can i please see my daughter
"Of course" dr klein was taking me yo her room when
All of a sudden we heard
Her heart failed again
I rushed in but was quickly pushed aside but all i could see was my baby skin and bones and scabs all over her arms
I heard before they shocked her and i heard beep beep beep
Thank GOD my baby was okay
For now....

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