Wake up Ellie

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Yolonda's POV
Lilly never left Ellina's side she slept right beside her on the bed day after day 3 days had gone by before we heard a noise someone crying Lilly jumped so fast
My precious baby girl was awake finally.

Lilly's POV
"ELLIE" i screamed at the top of my lungs
"Hi Lillls" she whispered back to me.
I just hugged her so tight and prayed she would not have another seizure.
I held her hand and talked to her and asked her over and over again why.
And she told me she hated herself and she was never worth it
I burst into tears and just squeezed her so tightly and told her she was so worth it and so many people loved her.
Her mom
My mom
The Elite team
The mini team
Her fans
But she was keeping s secret from me
She was bullied at school really badly
Yolonda was thinking of home schooling her and after this im pretty sure she will.

Gym Teacher POV
I never left Ellie's side her whole gym class came to see her they were all so scared for her and i mean i do not blame them. She looks so fragile and so skinny how did i not see the signs earlier to prevent this from happening just then a doctor came in and told us that Ellie would have to stay in the hospital for at least 6-8 months for treatment.

Ellie's POV
"What no" i have dance i cried
Im really sorry Elliana but you are not stable enough to dance if you dance and work your heart to much it could go into failure again.
We need to get you healthy enough so that you can go back to dance safely.
"But what about Lills"? I exclaimed
Dont worry she can stay with you if she chooses too
And just like that i heard an little
Of course i will stay
And i looked back to see my best friend holding my hand
And i just grabbed her and embraced her in the biggest hug you can ever even imagine
"Thank you Lills"

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