Dear Diary

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Elliana's. POV
Dear Diary,
Yes it is the slut the whore and the musible human being yes i suck and im horrible,
I slit my wrists today again but thats not all that surpring now is it?
Seeing as i deserve it and i hate myself
Im Elliana im 12 years old with dark brown hair and blue green eyes im in 6th grade,
And i have a secert that nobody knows about not even my mom and family.

But i have depression and bad depression nobody knows i slit my wrists or anything and i dont want them to know because then i will go to the doctor.
Im fine okay im perfectly fine.
Slut Whore misrible horrible human being are normal names for me, slitting my wrists is a normal thing for me too, so dont worry im okay im fine.

As Elliana was packing her school bag her mom walked in and noticed Elliana's arms.
"Elliana what happened"?
Yolanda asked confused
"Oh nothing i found a stay cat and they attacked me is all im fine"
Elliana quickly blurted out,
"Honey come here please"
Yolonda exclaimed,
As Elliana hesitatly walked over to her Yolonda grabbed her arm as Elliana winced in pain,
"Elliana do you need to tell me something?"
Yolonda asked concerned
"No im fine i told you i got attacked by a stray cat the other day im fine"
Elliana quickly blurted out again
With that Yolonda dropped Elliana at school but nothing would prepare her for the phone call she would get in the next hour

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