Interlude I: Knight's Caliber

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From Beacon Files......

Folder Name: Student Documents.....

Accessing File: Arthur Pennyworth...

Information Pulled From: Arthur Pennyworth - Skills and Weaponry.............

Knight's Caliber

Full name: Knight's Caliber-N

Short Classification: Modified Tactical Dust Cane Type-N(MTDC-N)

Full Classification: Multi-Action Tactical Dust Cane with Crossguard Modifications (MATDCCM)

Weapon Type: Dust, Non-lethal, Cane/Sword

Description: Knight's Caliber-N is a modified version of the Tactical Dust Cane Type-N, a standard battle cane that can flow dust through the weapon, this model of the cane, Type-N, has a revolver-like system of using dust much like Weiss' Myrtenaster. The base structure and functions of the cane are built similarly to Weiss' rapier. Unlike her rapier, the blade has been switched out for a cane (although for the sake of my sanity, it will be called the 'blade' part), the Dust mechanism being sleeker and flowing into the cane, the prong-like cross guard being removed, it having a less ornamental look, and the length and size being increased to fit Arthur's liking, making it more of a broadsword for him. Modifications have been made so that foldable cross guards are now on the cane, making it resemble a sword. These guards fold onto the Dust mechanism, concealing it, when not in use. The handle has been modified so that the bottom half of the handle can twist to activate the guards, causing them to unfold. When the handle is twisted back to its normal position, the guards fold back in. The cane is a dark grey color. The dust inside the cane's barrel varies in colors. When Dust is used an ornamental-like design is seen on the cane's 'blade' part, glowing the same color as the dust, and the 'blade' is covered in a covering of said Dust's element. This cane also doubles as a 'White Cane' used by the visually impaired for Arthur. A strange inscription is also on the base of the cane.....

Other Information: Arthur's weapon of choice and the cane he uses to walk with because of his visual impairment. It was given to him by Mer Lin, His mentor and caretaker at St. Pennyworth's Orphanage. Arthur often uses his cane with various Aura techniques to enhance the cane's use, this is possible due to Arthur's talent with controlling his Aura. He also has developed special Dust combinations for his cane.


A/N: Hopefully this clarifies some information on Arthur weapon (or maybe it confused you all more....). I accidentally misspelled Caliber in a couple chapters! So the full name of Arthur weapon is Knight's Caliber-N.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I should go to commission a drawing of Arthur's Knight's Caliber?

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