Part 18

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Z- Sergei notices the Hurricane go down, and glances over at two German fighters on his wing. The message didn't need to be said aloud, and the 209 that Bryan had encountered earlier, and the small German fighter that accompanied him on the earlier mission go to assist the downed plane. He couldn't go himself, having larger priorities, but if anyone could be saved, it was in his interest.

Fooch just focuses on the task at hand... getting them out of there. He kept glancing at the load he had on his back, tilting his head a bit so his rearmost eyes had them in view. Vlad kept his gun at the ready, in case someone attempted to attack then again, adjusting himself on the saddle so he was clipped in backwards, able to keep a view on their six.

Garrett and his sister, Jeanny, glide down to where Marley had gone down, Jeanny standing back as Garrett gets closer, lowering his snout to Marley's, and gently nudging him to see if he was still alive.

C- Marley was fighting off unconsciousness when the two planes arrived. The slight nudge only brought him back from drifting away. The green screens in his cockpit blinked groggily before blearily focusing on the two planes and his eyes narrowed slightly, though any attempt of a fierce look was overridden by fatigue. Ah, so his old enemies had come to finish him off. He should have known.

Marley lifted his head slightly to bare his teeth at the two. "I'll catch up on my own..." he growled groggily, though he didn't seem to be in as good state as he insisted he was. His tongue was slightly hanging out from panting wearily, oil was still pouring from his wing, and his eyes were barely in focus.

Z- "Er, I don't think you will. You're looking rough there, friend." Garrett says, a concerned expression on his face.* "You've lost a lot of oil, I don't think you'll be able to keep up with the flight, and they've gone ahead."

C- Marley seemed more annoyed than touched by the German plane's concern. "So that's what we are now, friends?" he spat out the word in clear disgust. He groaned as he tried to get to his feet again, leaning heavily on his less-injured wing for support, but pretty much fell on his front again.

"Don't worry about it. Give me a minute, and I'll walk it off. No need to be so bloody impatient. Im... I'm fast. I can catch up." He seemed to be losing himself mid-sentence before blinking again to try to get himself back. He didn't feel safe passing out around his former enemies. He just needed a nap, and he was sure he'd be fine when he woke up later. He just wanted them to leave him alone for now.

Z- "...No, but we have the same cause, right? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, yes?" He says, before huffing with irritation. "You can't just walk that off. Switch back to your smaller form, we can carry you."

C- "I always thought that saying was too naive and fluffy for my taste," Marley huffed. He groaned in irritation at the suggestion, but his groggy brain didn't think much into it. He just wanted rest right now.

Reluctantly, the Hurricane shifted back to his smaller anthro form. He pushed himself up with his arms, working to get to his feet with the support of a tree, holding one arm to his bleeding wound. He didn't like being smaller than the other two planes, especially since he didn't like or trust them.

Z- Jeanny continues to keep an eye on their surroundings, while Garrett gets closer to Marley, taking it slow, knowing the older machine was distrustful, and likely would attempt to bite back.

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