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Dylan. Dylan was a young teenager that went to Fairview HighSchool. He has lived in California with his grandma for 12 years and they got along and had a good living. Dylan went to Elementary and Middle School there all the years. He kept seeing this one specific boy every year at all the same schools he's went too. They never really talked much but they glanced  at each other  few times or another. Sometimes they would ask for help on assignments or projects but other wise they never really hung out or talked. The whole school let's just say " shipped them" together so like they think they should date but they're just rumors and they would never date. Dylan had another thought in his mind thinking the opposite why he thought the other boy had the other answer.

Kiro was his name. He was a boy with half shaved hair but kinda curly. He was a beautiful pale color and he had light black nail polish that should seem to never come off. He had baggy clothes he always wore and Chains and chokers hanging from his necks. The chain was hanging from his front pocket of the baggy black pants why he had a Cross and a Skull necklace hanging from his boney neck.

It was lunch time and since Dylan didn't have any friends he would usually sit on the wall and either draw or read. Nobody really liked him because of rumors that he was gay and was a traitor it wasn't true. He always kept to himself but when he was sitting down on the wall some days some kids would come up and kick him or mess with him and his blue jeans would get ruined with dirt but he didn't really mind it much since it happened in elementary. He was sitting on the wall almost sliding down to the floor and he was reading. He hated  the noise and distraction in the loud lunch room and he would always loss  his place in the book. He always looked in the corner of his eye to see either mashed potatoes,tater tots or chicken nuggets getting thrown either at people or just the ground. He was minding his own business reading until he saw Kiro walking up to him. He would always go kinda pink but would always hide it when he saw him. He was wondering why he was walking over to him for the first time in like forever. Kiro sat beside Dylan twirling his fingers waiting for the first word to come out of Dylan's mouth but he just decided to speak first.

" Hey it's me Kiro...are you Dylan" He says trying to see his face.

When Dylan heard him he thought that  his voice was to sexy. He looked up and looked to his right too see him. He immediately went pink so he quickly shoved his face in his book so Kiro wouldn't see it and think anything.

" uhh yes I'm Dylan.."

" Oh well Um good...so I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hangout on the court heard drunk free time since he never really talk and you look like a really cool person"

Those words made Dylan's face go completely red so he stayed silent and looked down for a moment so he could breath the blush away so he could look up.

" Oh uh sure I'll do that" he responds knowing he didn't want to since he was going to blush around him the whole time but he wanted to.

" Oh ok uh cool see you in a bit I guess" Kiro said standing up and walking back over to his table with his friends. Dylan noticed kiros vainy hands and his black boots walk away from him. He had rings all over his fingers that were just perfect. They looked smooth and soft.

He was thinking in his head the whole time about Kiro and everything perfect about him why he was reading. He was on page 53 of his book until he heard the bell. He kinda got startled but he stood up quickly and started walking to the free court door where everyone else was heading. He were following this random kid that was in front of him just trying to get out of the school through the crowd.

He we're outside and you needed to find a place to hide quickly before Kiro saw him and asked him to hangout with him. He didn't want to avoid him he just couldn't look at him without blushing which was a problem. He was about to walk over to the dumpster until he felt 2 hands touch his shoulders and throw him down. Someone threw him down into a felt like a bucket of some sort. He was  about to try to stand up but he was stuck. He sunk into the bin more and more as he moved. The person who did it was standing right in front of him recording him laughing. He noticed a few people that were staring and laughing. He was embarrassed so he blushed. He wanted to get out but couldn't who wouldn't be embarrassed.

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