[2] Azvalath: A Harsh Lesson

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The warrior in the sabretooth mask extended his hand. His breath caught a little in his throat. It would be easy to use his power against her, to command her to come with him, and she would not be able to resist. It felt wrong, though. He would rather she come willingly. Azvalath almost laughed at himself. Here he was, with six people's blood on his sword, and he still believed right and wrong existed?

            He watched her expression turn from terrified to bewildered, then to pure, animal rage. She glowered and bared her teeth. Azvalath took a step closer. Then her fist flew into his chest with a bang that rivaled a lightning strike.

            Pain exploded across his ribs. Azvalath hit the ground so hard he bit his tongue. His mask was knocked askew. A cry tore from his throat. She must have put her power into that punch, he thought. He managed to stand up in time to see the devil-child break off running. Despite the radiating pain in his chest, he pursued her.

            He heard his comrade call for him. "Azvalath, no! She'll kill you!"

            Kill him? No way, Azvalath thought. He wanted to laugh at Channei. Maybe that shapeshifter would die, but not him. He was their order's best, rivaled only by the masters. As he caught up to their target, he used what little breath he had left to shout a command. "Now stop!"

            He watched the white-haired girl's legs freeze up mid-stride. She caught herself on her hands and knees. Her head snapped up to glare at him. Her eyes bulged with terror and rage. He approached with caution, as if she were a wounded predator, knowing she could reach him even if she couldn't touch him. He had seen this girl wreak havoc with her power to escape him before and knew he could not truly prevent her from doing it again.

            He heard Channei's footsteps behind him. She stumbled through the trees, panting heavily. Her thin blond hair was soaked from the rain. "Kolo," she said, breathless. "Come with us and we'll explain everything."

            "Where is Yayaba?" Azvalath asked. "Call for her."

            Channei didn't listen to him. "I'm sorry I lied to you about who I was, Kolo," she continued. "But I wasn't lying when I said you would be safe with me."

            Kolo – that was her name, Azvalath realized. It made her feel more like a human and less like a wild beast to be caught. She pulled her knees in toward her chest and clutched her head in trembling hands. "No," she said. "No! I won't go with you!"

            "Call for Yaya!" Azvalath insisted again. The rain turned to sleet and pelted him with tiny projectiles of ice. They stung him like hornets.

            "Not yet!" Channei snapped at him. She stepped up to Kolo. Kolo threw her arms out to try and push Channei back, but nothing happened. Channei had not one gift but two. In addition to doubling anyone she had seen before, Channei could stop others from using their own power. Azvalath watched her crouch in front of Kolo and pull her into a tight embrace. "Shhh," she whispered. "Don't be afraid, Kolo. You're a strong little devil. What could we possibly do to hurt you?"

            Kolo clawed at Channei, likely still trying to use her power. Channei looked up at Azvalath and nodded. He nodded back. He knew what he had to do now.

            Azvalath circled around behind Kolo while she was distracted in Channei's grip. He drew his sword as quietly as possible. His heart raced. He couldn't believe it was finally happening. They had finally caught the devil-child, and she would finally become one of them.

            "By my hand she falls, and by yours may she be lifted. Hear me, Iron God." Azvalath bowed his head. "In blood and anguish, be reborn."

IRON GOD | 1: PeripeteiaWhere stories live. Discover now