[4] Azvalath: Insult to Injury

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Azvalath never wanted to resurface. The darkness was safe and calm like a womb. He felt nothing, thought nothing, and feared nothing for the first time in forever. It was true peace.

            The more he tried to resist becoming aware of his body again, the more his awareness grew like a thorn in his side. Azvalath cursed his consciousness as it returned. He opened his eyes. Everything looked distorted, as if he were underwater. Someone held his hand. He closed his fingers. When he realized who it was, the world jolted into sharp focus.  "Master?"

            Xigon released his grip. "Slept well?"

            Azvalath looked at Xigon and shuddered. "What happened? How am I alive?"

            "Did you really think I would kill you like that?" Xigon crossed his arms. "No, I wouldn't."

            Azvalath's head swam. He picked his hand up and stared at his own fingers like they were the strangest sight ever. "What did you do?"

            "I did interfere with your heart," said Xigon. "Though not fatally, and not irreparably. Then I put you under a healing sleep for four and a half days. Though you probably needed longer now that I think about it." He leaned back and sighed. "And I've been here with you the whole time."

            Azvalath sat up. The cot creaked under him. "What? You didn't sleep for four and a half days?"

            Xigon shrugged. "Nothing new for me." A small smirk crossed his lips.

            Always so calm, Azvalath thought. So above every situation. It was the thing he both loved and hated the most about Xigon. He scowled and chuckled at the same time. "I see nothing's changed with you either."

            "Hm." Xigon lifted his goggles up to rub his eyes. "I suppose we never did catch up, seeing how I was too busy reprimanding you. Which, yes, I think you needed." He put his goggles back down. "By the way, I added those six marks to your arm while you slept."

            Azvalath shrugged. "All right. So what's been happening while Channei and I were out? Master Qila only told me the basics."

            Xigon looked up. "Let's see. Lalek broke one of my crutches the day before you returned, so I've been using my chair until I have the motivation to fix it."

            Azvalath put a hand over his mouth. "How'd that happen?"

            "She ran into me in the hallway. Full speed." Xigon smacked his hands together. "Pow! Also put a hole in the wall. I asked Rizval to crystallize said hole, but they won't because they think it's hilarious."

            Azvalath imagined all of that playing out and it made him chuckle.

            "On a more serious note," said Xigon. "The mission was successful. Channei brought the devil-child back. She survived her first ascension and is recovering well."

            Azvalath brightened. "Really?"

            "Yes," said Xigon. "She's currently staying with Qila in her quarters. I would encourage you to visit and introduce yourself properly as her new comrade. It's important that she not be afraid of anyone here."

            Azvalath nodded. "All right. May I do that now?"

            "If you're so eager already, then go ahead." Xigon backed his wheelchair up a little. "Before you go, though, I should inform you of something else."

            "I'm listening," said Azvalath.

            Xigon folded his hands on his lap. "You're demoted."

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