[14] Haode: MY PREY

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It took them until well past nightfall to find a bluehole that brought them to anything that remotely resembled civilization. They emerged from a small, impossibly deep pond in the middle of a dead silent village. Haode took one look around and recognized where they were with a jolt. Howl Hollow. He had an urge to laugh. What cruel coincidence was this?

He dismounted and pulled Channei down with him. She looked unconcerned, even amused, by her situation. Haode grabbed her by the collar of her coat and yelled at her. "What's got you so smug?"

"You know I can leave whenever the hell I want," said Channei. "All I have to do is change shape and make a break for it."

Ido came up beside them, leading his horse. "Why haven't you, then?"

Channei looked up. "Hm. A few reasons. For one, I'm finding this terribly amusing. Another reason is that I'm excited to see just how much of my comrades' wrath you'll have rained down on you."

Haode's head throbbed with rage. "Rather telling that no one has come to save you yet, don't you think?"

"Yeah." Channei clasped her bound hands together. "It's almost like they trust me to take care of myself." She smiled. "Anyway, my back hurts. Can we take a break?"

Haode ignored her. "Dakko, keep up."

Dakko limped over, barely able to hold onto his horse's lead. Haode scowled. The boy had ice in his joints again, no doubt. It was a problem that came up all too often. Ido looked at his brother. "Everything all right?"

Haode glared daggers at Dakko. "Stay on your feet."

Dakko let out a breath of icy mist. "I'm trying, boss."

Haode yanked his horse's lead. "That house over there has a paddock. We'll put our mounts there and take shelter."

"Hm." Channei kicked the snow. "Rather convenient when the entire village is dead, right?"

Haode handed his horse off to Ido, then went ahead with their captive. He threw the door open and let a gust of wind into the cabin. Dust stirred up from every surface. He coughed. "This place has seen better days."

The shapeshifter chuckled. "You've seen better days too, I'm sure." Then her tone shifted. "I haven't been with you that long, but it doesn't take a healer to see that you're horribly sick."

Haode yanked her into the house with him and slammed the door shut. "What's it matter to you?" Part of him wanted to tell her. To tell someone. To plead with absolutely anyone for help. But he couldn't let that dark future become real, no matter what.

Channei plopped down on the floor and stretched. "Do I need a reason to be concerned when I see someone in pain?"

"We captured you," he reminded her.

"No, I let you capture me." She raised her tied wrists and pointed a finger at him. "Important distinction. Anyhow, the Masters might be angry with you, but I have no idea what's going on with you, so I have no reason to feel the same. Not yet."

He heard Dakko whimper outside, then Ido trying to console him.

"What's wrong with Dakko, anyway?" Channei cocked her head. "That's his name, right?"

"Dakko and Ido." Haode nodded. "Dakko has ice powers and a problem with ice crystals forming in his flesh. It's extremely painful for him when his joints freeze up."

Channei chuckled.

Haode glared at her. "Is that funny?"

"I'm sorry," said Channei, "but I can't think of any ability in this world less useful than ice powers. Just look outside."

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