[8] Ido: Pileated Woodpecker

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       Ido's heart hammered. He swallowed hard. As he stepped up to the shelter where their boss slept, sweat soaked his forehead even though it was freezing cold.

His brother clapped him on the shoulder. "I've got your back, Ido."

That gave the boy some courage. He rubbed his hands together and breathed on them to warm them up. "I'm back, boss!"

Haode emerged from the shelter. His eyes darted around, then found the brothers. He reached into his pockets and handed them each a pair of slitted snow goggles. Then he went and stood by the remains of the fire pit. He didn't say a single word.

Ido put his goggles on. Immediately, the growing daylight was far less harsh on his eyes. Ferash Therall's deep red eyes were meant to find light in the darkest places, and during broad daylight, they did their work too well. Ido often wished he, like Haode, could have a normal human's eyes when he wanted them, but that was a blessing known only to the most powerful Ferash Therall.

Dakko struggled to adjust his goggles. Ido offered to help, but his brother declined. Haode stayed quiet. Too quiet.

Ido came to the older warrior's side. "Haode?"

Haode startled at the sound of Ido's voice. He gasped and his head snapped around. "What?" His voice was a growl.

Ido backed away. His heart sped to a frantic race. This was bad, he thought. Haode was usually calmer in the mornings, but the sun was barely up, and he was already tense. Ido struggled for words. "I...um, can we eat now?"

Haode took a deep breath. Ido noticed him shivering as he bent down and rummaged through his pack. "Here." His voice was stiff as he handed each of the brothers a strip of jerky. Ido took his and bit into it.

Dakko accepted the offering with a tentative hand. "Thanks."

Haode nodded, then stared at the ground.

Ido swallowed, then crouched next to their boss. "You should eat too."

"I know," said Haode. He grabbed a strip of meat for himself and stared at it, wide-eyed. His body gave a violent shudder as he took a bite. Haode gagged and then forced himself to swallow.

Ido couldn't even imagine the agony of living in so much fear that food became poison.

Haode rubbed his eyes. "Put your hood up, Dakko."

Dakko did as he was told. Ido shot his brother a nervous glance. Any moment, their boss could lose what little composure he held onto, and they both knew it.

When Haode's eyes met his, Ido resisted the urge to shrink away. "Haode, there's something we need to tell you."

"I know." Haode stood up. "What's stopping you from saying it, then?"

Ido stayed on the ground and trembled. He looked at Dakko, who also looked petrified.

Haode slapped him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Ido cried out in pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He clutched his head in his hands. "Boss, I found a blood trail. Tracks that vanished into a bluehole. I think Styzia got her."

Haode grabbed the boy's upper arm and yanked him to his feet. "I know. I heard your little discussion." His eyes widened. "I heard everything."

"Boss, we can still get her," said Dakko. "Really. It's not over yet."

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