Ignition Pt III

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We entered the gym to see the typical activities occurring that would happen in gym class. You had a group of geeks sitting high in the bleachers discussing some new anime that released on Netflix. A couple of jocks (basketball) sat at the bottom of the bleachers and were discussing their game from last Friday. They won in a double overtime against our rival North Bridge High School. You had the pretty girls on the opposite side of the gym purposely sitting directly across from the jocks. Most of them on their phones or talking amongst each other. Last but not least was my least favorite group of all which was the wannabe thugs and gangsters. Too cool for school but in reality too dumb and lazy for it.

Ben and I found a place to chill close to the jocks but far away enough from the nerds to hear their geek talk. A bunch of randoms were on the court playing basketball to 21 and you would've sworn they were in the NBA based on how serious they were playing. It made for great small talk outside of our conversation.

"Yeah man so why change schools halfway through the year?" I asked him.

"I really didn't want to," he said in a saddened voice, "my dad got a new job so we had to move asap."

"Damn, I hate that for you bro, it sounds like you miss it already," I replied.

"Do I?" he asked rhetorically.

"So wassup with the letterman?" I asked, "You play ball?"

"Yeah I played basketball at the 'Corn," he responded, "freshman year was my first year playing and coach put me on varsity after tryouts."

"So you saying you nice with the rock?" I asked in playful disbelief.

In a humble tone he replied, "Hey man, I do what I can."

I stood to my feet and asked the kids playing 21 if I could borrow their ball for a minute. One kid that didn't know who I was tried to argue against it but the majority of them knew me and gave me the ball without argument. I bounced the ball to Benjamin and told him to check up.

He caught the ball with one hand and said, "Not in my Nikes B," then bounced the ball back to me.

I couldn't argue with that. Creasing a pair of those shoes basically ruined them. I passed the guys on the court their ball back and sat down on the bleachers to find Ben staring with his mouth open. I followed his eyes and realized what he was looking at.

"That's Layla," I said, "That's the homie."

"Nigga Layla is fine as hell," he said. He leaned up from his relaxed sitting position. Eager to know more.

"I can call her over here if you want," I responded.

He leaned back fast, "Nah don't do that, don't do that," he said.

I laughed, "I'm finna' go talk to her real quick then, I'll be back," I said.

He grabbed my arm and said, "Tell her I said 'hi' though."

"You could walk over here with me bro," I laughed, "she don't bite."

"Nah, nah I'm chilling," he replied.

"Whatever you say bro," I laughed as I headed towards her direction. I was curious as to why she came to the gym anyway. The period wouldn't be over for another 35 minutes.

She turned around before I had the chance to sneak up on her and surprise her and she asked me what I was doing in the gym. I told her I was waiting on a parking pass while showing the new kid around the school.

"What new kid?" she asked confused.

I pointed at Ben, "That new kid," I said, "his name's Benjamin and Benjamin says hi."

She looked at Ben who hadn't taken his eyes off of her since she walked in the gym but nervously turned his head when she made eye contact with him.

"He's cute," she said with an innocent giggle.

"So what are you doing down here?" I asked.

"Running errands for Mrs. Nelson worrisome ass," she replied, clearly annoyed, "she waited until the last day before break to get everything done and realized she wouldn't have time so I volunteered to help her out."

"Teachers pet," I joked.

"Whatever," she laughed as she nudged my shoulder.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, "Coach you see how she do me?"

"Leave that girl alone boy," said Coach McFarland as he approached us.

He was a young black coach fresh out of college going on his third year coaching at Southern Hill. He was the head coach of the varsity basketball team and also taught Advanced US History.

"Here are your players progress reports from Mrs. Nelson coach," said Lay as she handed him a folder.

"Better late than never I guess," he laughed, "thank you Layla. Tell Mrs. Nelson thanks as well."

"Yes sir," she replied.

Coach walked away so we continued with our conversation.

"So are you coming to home room?" asked Lay.

"Shit if the accountant gets here in time yeah," I replied, "in the meantime and between time me and my twin over there just gone chill until they call us back to the office."

Lay was looking behind me when she said, "Well they better hurry up before they call y'all to the office for a different reason." She pointed behind me and I turned around to see the jocks surrounding Ben.

"Hold up," I told her as I rushed over there to see what was going on.

"Man this that fuck nigga from Acorn City that was talking all that shit on the court," said one of them.

Another one said, "Yeah he ain't so tough without his team to back him up." He tried to grab Bens jacket but Ben blocked his hand and connected a right hook to the dudes jawbone. He fell almost instantly. That's the moment I came in and got in between them with Ben behind me.

"Yo! Yo! What the fuck is the problem!?" I exclaimed.

"This ain't got nothing to do with you," said the guy who had gotten punched. He was still on the ground spitting blood out of his mouth but quickly rose to feet. "This between us and this nut ass nigga from Acorn."

"That's cool but six versus one isn't regulation my nigga," I responded.

"Why are you taking up for him?" asked one of the other guys, "you forgot where you came from or some?"

"I'm SoHi til' I die," I replied, "but I'm not letting y'all jump this man while I'm right here. Y'all can either keep it pushing or try to beat both of our ass and I can tell you right now it ain't gone be easy."

They looked amongst themselves as if they were voting mentally.

"So what's up?" I asked, "what y'all tryna' do?"

"Don't come around us tryna' be cool and shit no more Benny," said the dude with the busted lip, "and as for that fuck nigga behind you we'll see you around homie, believe that." Then they walked back to where they were sitting.

I turned around and faced Ben after they left. He was clenching his fist and blood was dripping on the floor.

"Nice to see you got some fight in you my nigga," I said.

"It's nice to know it's still some real niggas out here you feel me," he replied. He winced as he examined his hand. He had a gash between the knuckles of his pinky finger and ring finger.

"You should get a nurse to look at that," said a sweet but worried voice.

It was Lay. She stayed and watched the whole thing. Glancing around the gym it was obvious that she was the only one paying attention to the whole ordeal.

"Come on guys I'll lead the way," she said.

"I think I hit that nigga in the tooth," said Ben.

We laughed as we exited the gym. That day our life long bond was ignited. A fire was struck underneath us. We just didn't know it at the time.

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