Speed Demon

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Flame and I eventually entered onto Interstate 35 headed towards the outskirts of the city going 90mph with no reason in the world to slow down. The typical police cruisers ended their pursuit a while ago and called in the big dogs that could keep up with her motorcycle. Two Dodge Charger cop cars entered the ramp to merge onto I35 seconds after we did. The cops got smart and put a helicopter into the air that was on our trail for the past two minutes which is more than likely how the Chargers got on our trail so fast. Flame would've shot for either their tires or engines to give us a little breathing room but the interstate was too congested and we didn't want to risk injuring any innocent bystanders, or in this case, drivers. She was also driving at too high of a speed to focus on both the road and the Chargers so she had to pick the most logical option. I, on the other hand, could focus on the Chargers but I was too busy holding on for dear life praying we didn't crash into the slow moving traffic.

"We can't miss our exit!" I yelled in Flames direction as I slid up the visor on my helmet. She nodded back in my direction and merged onto the shoulder of the interstate to pass by the slow drivers. The Chargers surely followed as the other drivers slowed down and moved out of their way due to their flashing lights and deafening sirens. We were going to have to lose these cops if we wanted to make the exit without any problems. The helicopter too.

Flame must've read my mind because she reached for her phone, opened an app, typed in a password and handed it back to me. Oh sure, she can text but can't shoot a couple cars, that's crazy, I thought. It actually wasn't a messaging app that she opened though. It was an app that wasn't available in the App Store called ALL OF THE LIGHTS like the Kayne West song. It was an app she developed in high school for extra credit but now it was ten times better than what it started out to be. After a bit of confusion I understood what she wanted me to do. I just had to time it perfectly. There were different categories within the app, all dealing with electricity obviously. There were multiple options to choose from that would benefit us in our escape but I wanted to use the most powerful one.

Two miles ahead on the bridge connecting Southern Hill to Acorn City was a roadblock that we would be foolish to assume wasn't for us. Underneath the bridge was the Sweet Water River and behind the roadblock  traffic was atleast a mile away and gaining. That was plenty of space for us to do what we were about to do. I looked behind us into the sky and blocked the beam from the spotlight of the helicopter with my free hand and calculated the possible angle and distance that the helicopter would fall. I had to time the EMP perfectly to prevent the loss of innocent life. I opened the EMP category in the app and clicked on the title 'Zeus'. Other titles were named 'Black Lightning' and 'Carmen Electra' but I figured 'Zeus' was the most powerful one of them all so that's what we were going to go with.

The phone requested facial ID before it initiated the EMP so I tapped Flame on her shoulder and handed her her phone back. We were still on the shoulder of the interstate and just about a mile and a half away from the bridge. Flame slid up the visor on her helmet so that her phone could identify her face and handed it back to me. She pressed a button on her bike that I assumed would make it immune to the blast of the EMP and turned off the lights on her bike. I set the countdown to 5 seconds and when it got to 3 I launched the phone into the air as high as my arm would allow. 3 seconds later all hell broke loose.

The beam from the helicopter disappeared and it's engine began to fail as it lost power and began to plummet towards the river. Cars within the radius of a mile came to a slow hault as the engines of their cars powered off. Even the powerful Chargers that were right behind us at first began to slow down as their engines failed inevitably. The interstate was pitch black as we gained speed while drivers stepped out of their cars completely baffled.

The helicopter was free falling perfectly and I timed the EMP so that the helicopter would crash into the river at the exact moment we whizzed past the roadblock. The perfect diversion if I did say so myself. After the police noticed what was really going on they began to fire shots in our direction.

"Hang on!" yelled Flame as she grabbed one of my arms and put it tightly around her waist. I did the same with my other arm as she sat back on the bike, pulled the clutch in and revved the throttle while simultaneously letting go of the clutch. Before I knew it I was looking at the sky as she popped a wheelie. Seconds later we bounced back onto the asphalt as the bike gained speed and sped away from the bridge.

"Yeah!" she exclaimed as she switched her lights back on and deactivated the shield that protected her bike from the EMP.

"Don't ever do that again while I'm on the bike with you!" I yelled out.

"Oh, get your panties out of a wad," she scoffed, "live a little."

"That's what I'm trying to do!" I laughed, "You should try it."

She shook her head in disbelief and revved the throttle again as we sped off into the night. The EMP would wear off in ten minutes giving us plenty of time to get to the safe house without any cops on our trail. We took the second exit after the bridge and headed into the heart of Acorn City.

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