Speed Demon Pt II

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As aware of a person as I am, the following chain of events were something even I could not see coming...

Flame and I turned down the dirt road that successfully hid our safe house. She opened the garage door from her ALL OF THE LIGHTS app on her secondary phone and we cruised on in. Our safe house was top of the line and had everything we needed to execute as a successful unit. It was a one story building that we renovated and remodeled to fit all of our needs. You name it, we had it. Surveillance, gun rooms, hidden guns, digital drawing boards for mission planning and a three car garage with a hidden bunker in it. The garage was also a mechanical shop we used to repair and modify our vehicles. Flame's bike, Blaze's Corvette, and my baby, an all black BMW i9. We all had personalized sections of the garage suited just for our vehicles.

She parked her bike in its usual spot and I hopped off headed to our discussion room. She turned off the engine and followed behind me closely as the garage closed behind us. After every mission we met back at the safe house and discussed every detail and how we could improve. It's as close as we could get to being perfect.. a mindset that Principal Dallas instilled in me since freshman year. We ran the safe house like a business so it was only fitting that we each had our own offices and a conference room which we called a discussion room. We even had a full kitchen for circumstances that required us to be there longer than intended. To the average outsider looking in it would seem as if we ran a legit business.

I entered the main building walking past my office and headed to the end of the corridor. I turned right followed by an immediate right into our discussion room and walked into Blaze pointing a gun at the guards right temple. I discreetly reached back and shoo'd Flame away. I entered the room and closed the door behind me as Flame crept to the surveillance room on the other side of the hall.

"Blaze what's going on man?" I asked as I slowly approached him and the trembling guard.

"Plan C!" he responded confidently with an obnoxious smirk on his face. He cocked his gun back and rammed it into the bodyguards head forcing him to yell out in pain. His face was bloody as well as his uniform. It dawned on me that Blaze may have harmed him prior to what I had just seen. I put my hands up. Not because I was scared but because I'm smart. This makes me seem like less of a threat. Unfortunately, Blaze and I both know I'm a forced to be reckoned with no matter how my appearance may come across.

I motioned closer to him and he turned the gun on me. I froze.

"What's plan C?" I questioned as I stood up straight, hands now reaching for the sky.

Flame logged into the surveillance camera system and went back to when Blaze's Corvette first arrived. She fast forwarded the footage seeing Blaze help the guard into the building after watching him stumble to the ground as he exited the vehicle. From a different camera she accessed view to the main office and saw Blaze drop the guard and close the door to the garage behind him. As the guard rose to his feet Blaze took his gun from his waist band and pistol whipped him back to the floor. Flame put her hand over her mouth in disbelief as she continued to watch the onslaught.

"Plan C is Plan compromise," he said as he turned the gun back to the body guard, "a compromise that is well overdue if you ask me." Then he pulled the trigger.

Flame saw him attempt to tie the guards hands behind his back and struggle when the guard tried to fight back. Blaze eventually fired a shot into the leg of the guard and dragged him into the discussion room. After entering a new view she saw him tie the guard to the office chair I found him sitting in with a gun placed to his head. She watched as Blaze cleaned the blood off the walls and floor until she was was caught up to the live feed. Now she watched as the guards head leaned to the side and his blood drips onto the floor. The camera also offers audio so she was now listening in on the room as well.

Angered from the murder, my voice intensified, "What the fuck are you doing!" I yelled.

"Me?" Blaze asked confusingly, "I'm compromising." He turned the gun back at me. "I need that flash drive and I'm willing to compromise."

"I don't compromise," I responded firmly.

"Ah see, that's not how this works," he said while waving his gun. "It's either the drive or your lives." He waved the gun at the camera. He knew Flame was here as well. Shit.

"So if I give you the flash drive you'll spare our lives?" I asked, "That's how this works?"

"Precisely," he replied and reached out an open hand. "Throw it on the table."

I grabbed the flash drive from my pocket and slide it halfway down the table. "You know its crazy that you would do all this before we went lights out, you could've just done it in the dark." I said as I put my hands back into the air while spreading my fingers. I began to subtract a finger as each second went by. Hoping Flame understood the hidden assignment I had just tasked her with.

Blaze began to move towards the flash drive as the pinky on my left hand went down and formed a fist. 5 seconds. Blaze snatched the flash drive off of the table and just as swiftly the lights turned off. He began to fire his gun as I dove for cover behind the table. I pulled out my Beretta and fired six shots over the table. 5 seconds later the lights were back on and the second door in the back of the room was open with no sign of Blaze.

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