Chapter 6

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Springtrap started to get anxious. Deliah was no where in sight. As the hours went on it got worse. Hallucinations started to happen.

" Springtrap....Springtrap....."

" Go away, you're not real. I'm just hallucinating again," Springtrap said.

" So... You killed another?"

" What?" Springtrap asked in confusion.

" Deliah... You killed her...She cried....You killed her anyways..."

"What your lying! This isn't real! I would never hurt her..." Springtrap said.

" Then why is her blood on your hands?"

" What?" 

Springtrap looked at his hands. He fell to his knees.

" No.. No didn't... I couldn't have..."

He started to cry," This isn't real... She can't be dead.. No..".

" Springtrap..."



" Huh Deliah?" 

" Springtrap, Oh I was so worried-" Deliah said.

Springtrap hugged her," Deliah your alive!".

" Uh Yeah? Springy you okay?" She asked.

" I was so worried about you," Springtrap said.

" Oh Springtrap I'm so sorry! I was gone so long. I just had so much fun with Harry and- Springy you alright?"

" You forgot about me?" Springtrap asked.

" No! No, I just had so much fun. I sorry I was gone so long but look you handled like 9 hours by yourself just fine!" Deliah said.

" Just fine? Just fine?! I was panicking!" Springtra yelled.

Deliah was starting to get scared," Springy look I'm sorry okay?"

" I- I..... Y- you're right. It's okay..." Springtrap said. He looked away from her. Not again....

" Hey, you want to watch a movie? It'll help calm you down," Deliah said.

" Yeah, I'll make popcorn," Springtrap said as he faked a smile.

Springtrap was still worried he almost snapped on Deliah. But he was able to control it this time.

" Deliah?"

" What is it?" Deliah asked.

" Do you want me to just leave?" Springtrap asked.

" What? Where is this coming from?" She asked.

" Well, You seem like you enjoy time with Harry and I was mad at you just because you were out having fun for so long and-"

" Springtrap look at me. I don't care. I promised I would be back soon and I was gone for hours! And you were able to control your anger this time. I don't want you to leave. You were the first person besides mom who cared!" Deliah said.

" Deliah, can you promise me something?" Springtrap asked.

" What is it springy?"

" Be careful around Harry, Okay? And maybe you shouldn't spend so long around him..." Springtrap said.

" Well I guess your a little right...." Deliah said. Somethings off.

" Hey maybe you should get to bed, it's getting late," Springtrap said.

" Okay, I got to go brush my teeth," Deliah said.

Deliah ran off but Springtrap stayed behind. A little while later Deliah's mother came home.

" Deliah! You still up?"

" She just fell asleep, Amber." Springtrap said.

" Oh, she was probably really tired," She replied.

" Did you know she was with Harry all day today?" He asked.

" Really? Wow, sounds like she had fun," Amber said.

" But aren't you worried?" Springtrap asked.

" Of course I am, look- oh my phone is ringing... Hello?"

Springtrap watched Amber walk off. Who could be calling her this late?

" Who is this?" Amber asked.

" Uh Amber is that you? Look It's N-"

Amber immediately recognized the voice. But there was no way he was calling. Not now. Not after all these years...

" Why are you calling me?" She asked.

" Look I know it's been a while-

" A while? It's been 14 years! You abandoned me and your daughter!" Amber yelled.

" I want to-"

" I don't care," Amber said as she hung up.

Springtrap came into the room," That wasn't who I think it was, was it?"

" Deliah's 'Father', Yeah. Can't believe he called me," Amber said.

" You want me to say something?" Springtrap asked.

" Heck if he calls again, go ahead," Amber said.

She walked off to her room. Leaving her phone. It started to ring again. Springtrap laughed, this was going to be fun.

A different time... (Springtrap and Deliah)Where stories live. Discover now