Chapter 10

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" Sweety, you okay?" Amber asked.

" What? I'm fine... Why does everyone keep asking that?" 

" Deliah, you're barely eating your dinner," Amber replied.

" Oh, I'm just not very hungry..."

Amber laughed," It would help if you stopped eating so many cookies before I get home".

" Yeah, Maybe. I'm going to go to bed," Deliah said.

" Okay, goodnight," Amber replied.

Springtrap frowned," You noticed it too?".

" I wonder what's wrong..." Amber said.

" I'm starting to get worried," Springtrap said.

" I'm sure she'll tell us eventually, at least me," Amber said.

" Oh, so you're hiding things from me?" Springtrap sarcastically asked.

" No, not like that. She usually tells me first, then you," Amber said.

" Oh okay..."

" Anyway, I'm going to head to bed, goodnight Springtrap," Amber said.

" Night"

Springtrap went to lay down on the couch. He stared at the ceiling as he went deep into thought. That phone call. What if that person called again? It wasn't likely, Springtrap did threaten them, but what if they continued to call?

Springtrap chose to try to ignore these thoughts. He eventually fell asleep due to boredom.

The next morning...

" Hey, Springy? Can you get my shoes from my room?" Deliah asked.

" Sure, give me a sec"

Deliah sat on the couch waiting for Springtrap. She had to meet Harry in the park, meaning Springtrap couldn't come. He desperately wanted to follow Deliah, but he wouldn't, at least not this time.

Deliah was surprised to hear a knock at the door, Harry wasn't supposed to come to her house.

Confused, Deliah opened the door.

" Hello?"

Deliah froze, it wasn't Harry, But she didn't even really know who it was.

" Uh, who are you?" Deliah asked.

" Is Amber here?" the man asked.

" My mom? Yeah, she's in her room-"

" Deliah, who is at the door?" Amber asked as she walked over.

" Hey Amber," The man said.

Deliah noticed her mother didn't look too happy.

" Deliah, would you mind going to your room for a little bit?" Amber calmly said.

" Okay mom"

Springtrap chuckled," Was I not quick enough?"

" It's not that someone showed up, mom doesn't look happy..."

Springtrap sighed," I'll go see what's going on, you still have to meet Harry at the park don't you?"

" Oh yeah...."

A different time... (Springtrap and Deliah)Where stories live. Discover now