Chapter 29 - What to Do, There's A Third Party Involved With My Roommate and Me

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This matter was really not Wei Ru Song being overly suspicious, there was evidence that Shen Wan Qing was interested in Xiao Nian,  he could not be wrong.

From the matters of clothes, food, accommodation and travel, Wei Ru Song analysed this Shen fellow’s feelings for cabbage Xiao.

Looking at clothes, originally Shen Wan Qing had an artistic youth style, a white shirt, black pants, a trench coat with a checkered scarf, in the winter wind looking lordly and arrogant. After moving in, all his clothes were the same as Xiao Nian’s, Xiao Nian bought a baseball jacket, Shen Wan Qing would have the exact same jacket the next day, wearing and flaunting it. If Xiao Nian were to buy a pair of Dr. Martens, Shen Wan Qing would quickly buy a pair too, and show it to Xiao Nian.

People who did not know would have thought that Xiao Nian and Shen Wan Qing were wearing couple wear. You ask why Wei Ru Song would not just buy the same clothes as Xiao Nian? Very simple, being poor is the root of all evil, this hateful Shen Wan Qing also had money, the clothes on Xiao Nian would cost at least a few thousand dollars, easily ten thousand. All the items and clothes on Wei Ru Song were not even worth Xiao Nian’s shoes, to always compare oneself against the other was not good, kids these days should not force themselves.

Now to look at food, Wei Ru Song was a year 2 student, Xiao Nian year 1, their class schedules were different, before they confirmed their relationship they would deliver food to each other, after confirming their relationship Wei Ru Song even when buying a sausage he would want Xiao Nian to accompany him, so they often waited for each other to finish their classes before eating together. Now with Shen Wan Qing around it was different, Shen Wan Qing and Xiao Nian were classmates, they saw each other more often than the roommate Wei Ru Song, Xiao Nian wanted to eat, Shen Wan Qing would follow, if Xiao Nian said that Wei Ru Song wanted to go to the Not Fat Cafeteria, Shen Wan Qing would even be unhappy.

“The food at Not Fat Cafeteria is so bad it can make me puke out my meal from last night, Brother, I want to go to Super Delicious Cafeteria to eat.”

“But Senior says that the food at Super Delicious Cafeteria is disgusting, he never goes there to eat.”

“Look at you, fine, we’ll go to Not Fat.”

So Xiao Nian would bring along Shen Wan Qing like a pet to eat with Wei Ru Song, even while eating he could not relax, Wei Ru Song loved eating chicken drumsticks, he did not know whether Xiao Nian was pretending to be restrained or he really did not like it, he would always give the drumstick to Wei Ru Song. Today was the same, Wei Ru Song felt that when Shen Wan Qing was around, Xiao Nian and him were like an underaged couple hiding from teachers and parents, even if their eyes met for a few seconds they would shift away guiltily. Xiao Nian as usual gave the drumstick to Wei Ru Song, Shen Wan Qing immediately made a fuss next to them.

“Why does Senior have a drumstick!”

“Because Senior likes to eat it.”

“Fuck, then I don’t like to eat it?!”

“What does that have to do with me?”

 Good Junior, Senior will send you a flying kiss from my heart. Shen Wan Qing did not make anymore fuss, but as Xiao Nian and Wei Ru Song were dating secretly and they were too shy to declare it to others, there was still someone playing a huge gooseberry there. 

Next, accommodation– Fuck do we still need to talk about this! When there was just Xiao Nian and him, they were happy and free, as though one was a fish in the other’s pond, keeping watch over the moonlight! Now with a Shen Wan Qing, Wei Ru Song felt too awkward to sing in the shower, Xiao Nian also controlled himself and no longer kissed Wei Ru Song for no reason. Wei Ru Song could only cry without tears: Come on, come baby, I want to be kissed to death by you! Also, Shen Wan Qing was bad at video games, he moved when he was not supposed to, once outside he would be shot down, Wei Ru Song had no choice but to try and save him, and was also shot down, seeing Wei Ru Song being shot down Xiao Nian would naturally follow after to try and save his lover, and the group of three, dead, would sit there and just watch the list of top players that did not include them.

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