Chapter Twelve | The Youngest Ballantine

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Chapter Twelve | The Youngest Ballantine

The sound of teaspoons gently clattering against mugs and teacups was only barely drowned out by the chatter of the customers that filled the little cafe in downtown Chicago, or Neon City as most called it.

The black-haired girl sighed gently, her finger running slowly around the rim of her teacup. She wasn't really drinking it, she was just deep in thought.

"What's on your mind, then? You seem spaced out."

The girl, who went by the name of Cleo, looked up at her friend that sat across the table. The two of them were quite different, it was, honestly, a bit jarring to see them sitting together.

Cleo had long black hair and striking blue eyes. While she mostly had the features of her late mother - who was a tiny and adorable Korean woman that Cleo had only seen photos of - she had inherited her father's eyes, and that was the only thing she got from him, a fact which made her grateful, as she detested the man.

On the other hand, Alice, the girl who sat across from her that had been her best friend since Cleo was about fifteen years old, was a pastel bombshell.

She was tall, with an hourglass figure and blond hair, dyed pastel blue on the bottom with a pink pigtail on each side. It was one of the most difficult hair colours to maintain, and somehow she had been doing it before she met Cleo who started to help her maintain it with magic. Her dress was small and tight, showing off her body, she was very promiscuous in the way she dressed, quite the opposite of Cleo who always had been and still was quite proper and modest about her appearance.

The two of them sitting together was a bit of a strange sight, like a cheerleader sitting at a table with the goth kid, but there were definitely more weird-looking people and groups in the neon-lit city, so most people did not pay them any mind.

"Well, I told you that I contacted my uncle, right?" She asked softly, brushing her hair back behind her ear. "He replied to me, asked to meet me for lunch."

"That's good, right? Why do you look so miserable?" Alice sipped her boba tea, a drink that the cafe owner had started selling just for her.

"Yeah! Yeah, it's... it's good, I just... I'm nervous," Cleo admitted softly, looking down at her cup. "I do not know him very well, and I have not been back there in so long, plus I am worried that he might bring me back to my father-"

"I'm sure that won't happen, and if he even tries to bring you back to that bastard, then I will kick his ass for you!" Alice chirped happily, her tone sweet despite the threat that she just uttered. "He does not seem like the type of person to do that, anyway. Not that you've told me much, but he seems like a sweetie."

"He is, or, at least he was, from what I remember. I did not see him often but he always brought me gifts when he visited." She hummed softly. "So you think I should go?"

"Yeah, definitely," She nodded with a smile. "It would probably be good for you."

Cleo considered that for a long moment, before giving a sad smile. She flicked her wrist to discreetly make a piece of paper appear on the desk with a pen.

"What should I say to him? I do not want to go back there, even if it is just for lunch. I'm worried I may be caught off guard if I'm not somewhere familiar."

"Be assertive," Alice told her with a grin. "Tell him it's your way or the highway. You pick the date, time, and meeting place. Tell him it's up to him whether or not he accepts. You're not taking any risks with your own safety."

She nodded slowly and hesitated, then she looked down at the paper and started to craft her response.

Uncle Tobias,
Thank you for writing back to me. Honestly, I am grateful that you responded to me at all. I figured that since I had deserted my father that his whole side of the family would be against me. I am glad to know that is not the case.
I'll admit, I do not remember you all that much, and while the things I remember are all very good and nice things, I am still a bit hesitant to meet with you.
The idea of coming to visit you in Vela is quite frightening to me, so I will only meet you on my terms. Tomorrow, I will be at the cafe across from the police station in downtown Chicago, so if you want to have lunch with me, you can come visit me there.
As long as you can promise me you will not bring my father or try to return me to him, then we should have no problems.
See you tomorrow.

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